发布时间:2020-12-26 21:33
20 世纪 20 年代,美国社会进入了空前的繁荣时期。随着生产流水线以及其它新技术的推广应用,整个美国社会劳动生产率得到了极大提高。大量消费品顺着生产流水线被源源不断地生产出来,美国市场上商品充裕、消费活跃。与此同时,美国人的收入水平、生活水准也得到了很大的提高。整个美国社会出现了一片生机盎然、富强繁荣的景象。菲茨杰拉德把这一时期生动地称为美国历史上最会纵乐、最讲究炫丽的“爵士时代”。20 年代美国经历了从生产社会向消费社会的转变。第一次世界不仅改变了旧的世界秩序,而且摧毁了传统的道德理念和社会习俗。在战争的阴影下成长起来的美国青年不再相信“以战争结束战争”的谎言。战争过后他们惊奇地发现“所有的神都已死光,所有的仗都已打完,所有的信念都已动摇”。在这个信仰真空的年代,他们走向全面叛逆。他们不再像父辈那样恪守传统的清教主义律例,而是大力宣扬自由与独立,讲究个性张扬、标新立异、崇尚享乐、追求物质享受。“爵士时代”的流行哲学是消费主义。消费不仅能满足人们的物质需要和对商品的占有欲,更重要的是,消费能给人一种心理上的享受。在那个金钱已取代了上帝成为世界主宰的年代,消费成了地位和身份的象征,成为...
【文章页数】:46 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
PartⅠ: Introduction
PartⅡ: Historical Background of Consumerism in the Jazz Age
2.1 America’s entry to consumer society
2.2 The ideology popularizing among the young generation in the Jazz Age
PartⅢ: Fitzgerald’s Participation in the Consumer Society and hisFalling to be a Victim of Consumerism
3.1 The effect of his early life on the formation of his awareness of consumerism
3.2 Tragedy of a literary giant: Fitzgerald’s falling to be a victim of consumerism
Part IV Fizgralds Criticism on Consumerism inThe GreatGatsby
4.1 Fitzgerald exposes the essence of consumerism in Gatsby’s “American Dream”
4.2 Daisy: another victim of consumerism
4.3 Fitzgerald’s criticism on consumerism through his spokesman Nick
PartⅤ: Road to Future for the Lost Americans: the Virtues ofIndustry, Discipline, Responsibility, and Mutuality
PartⅤ: I Conclusion
[1]当代社会炫耀性消费之文化解读[J]. 毛燕武,陶水木. 柳州师专学报. 2003(04)
[2]论消费主义时代中休闲教育的价值[J]. 陆彦明,刘加霞. 首都师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2003(04)
[3]美国文学与美国梦[J]. 王芳. 内蒙古社会科学(汉文版). 2001(S1)
【文章页数】:46 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
PartⅠ: Introduction
PartⅡ: Historical Background of Consumerism in the Jazz Age
2.1 America’s entry to consumer society
2.2 The ideology popularizing among the young generation in the Jazz Age
PartⅢ: Fitzgerald’s Participation in the Consumer Society and hisFalling to be a Victim of Consumerism
3.1 The effect of his early life on the formation of his awareness of consumerism
3.2 Tragedy of a literary giant: Fitzgerald’s falling to be a victim of consumerism
Part IV Fizgralds Criticism on Consumerism inThe GreatGatsby
4.1 Fitzgerald exposes the essence of consumerism in Gatsby’s “American Dream”
4.2 Daisy: another victim of consumerism
4.3 Fitzgerald’s criticism on consumerism through his spokesman Nick
PartⅤ: Road to Future for the Lost Americans: the Virtues ofIndustry, Discipline, Responsibility, and Mutuality
PartⅤ: I Conclusion
[1]当代社会炫耀性消费之文化解读[J]. 毛燕武,陶水木. 柳州师专学报. 2003(04)
[2]论消费主义时代中休闲教育的价值[J]. 陆彦明,刘加霞. 首都师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2003(04)
[3]美国文学与美国梦[J]. 王芳. 内蒙古社会科学(汉文版). 2001(S1)