发布时间:2021-01-04 11:48
【文章页数】:55 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Objective
1.2 General Organizations
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 A Systemic Functional View of the Relation between System and Text
2.2 The Ideational Metafunction and the Transitivity System
2.3 The Textual Metafunction and the Thematic Structure
2.3.1 Theme and Rheme
2.3.2 The Marked and Unmarked Theme
2.3.3 Thematic Progression
Chapter 3 The Analysis of the Text
3.1 A Brief Introduction of A Sunrise on the Veld
3.2 The Transitivity Analysis
3.2.1 The Overall Statistical Account of the Transitivity System
3.2.2 The Analyses of Specific Processes
3.3 The Thematic Analysis
3.3.1 The Analysis of the Marked Theme
3.3.2 The Analysis of the Thematic Progression of the Text
3.3.3 An Overall Account of the Themes of the Text
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Areas for Future Studies
4.1 The Interpretation of the Text
4.2 The Implications of Applying SFL to the Text
4.3 The Areas for Future Studies
[1]及物性分析在描写文体特征时的表现力[J]. 潘章仙. 山东外语教学. 2003(04)
[2]主位推进模式与语篇体裁:《老人与海》分析[J]. 李国庆. 外语与外语教学. 2003(07)
[3]概念主位的经验内容与微型语域语篇体裁——从《老人与海》小说所想到的[J]. 李国庆. 外语教学. 2003(03)
[4]试论英语主位和述位[J]. 黄衍. 外国语(上海外国语学院学报). 1985(05)
[5]再论主位和述位[J]. 徐盛桓. 外语教学与研究. 1985(04)
[6]主位和述位[J]. 徐盛桓. 外语教学与研究. 1982(01)
【文章页数】:55 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research Objective
1.2 General Organizations
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 A Systemic Functional View of the Relation between System and Text
2.2 The Ideational Metafunction and the Transitivity System
2.3 The Textual Metafunction and the Thematic Structure
2.3.1 Theme and Rheme
2.3.2 The Marked and Unmarked Theme
2.3.3 Thematic Progression
Chapter 3 The Analysis of the Text
3.1 A Brief Introduction of A Sunrise on the Veld
3.2 The Transitivity Analysis
3.2.1 The Overall Statistical Account of the Transitivity System
3.2.2 The Analyses of Specific Processes
3.3 The Thematic Analysis
3.3.1 The Analysis of the Marked Theme
3.3.2 The Analysis of the Thematic Progression of the Text
3.3.3 An Overall Account of the Themes of the Text
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Areas for Future Studies
4.1 The Interpretation of the Text
4.2 The Implications of Applying SFL to the Text
4.3 The Areas for Future Studies
[1]及物性分析在描写文体特征时的表现力[J]. 潘章仙. 山东外语教学. 2003(04)
[2]主位推进模式与语篇体裁:《老人与海》分析[J]. 李国庆. 外语与外语教学. 2003(07)
[3]概念主位的经验内容与微型语域语篇体裁——从《老人与海》小说所想到的[J]. 李国庆. 外语教学. 2003(03)
[4]试论英语主位和述位[J]. 黄衍. 外国语(上海外国语学院学报). 1985(05)
[5]再论主位和述位[J]. 徐盛桓. 外语教学与研究. 1985(04)
[6]主位和述位[J]. 徐盛桓. 外语教学与研究. 1982(01)