发布时间:2021-01-30 03:29
约瑟夫·康拉德(1857-1924)是英国十九世纪末二十世纪初一位很有影响力的现代主义作家,生于当时在俄国统治下的波兰东南部。1862康拉德全家被流放到俄罗斯北部,以致他八岁丧母、十二岁丧父,幸好被叔叔收养才免遭衣食无着的命运。后来他迷上了航海,经过近十年的摸爬滚打,终于在1888年成了一艘三桅船的船长。然而,正是儿时的不幸和青年时期的冒险经历给他的写作提供了丰富的素材,《黑暗之心》就是一个很好的例子。这部以他1890年的刚果之旅为依据创作的作品,讲述的是一个名叫查尔斯·马洛的年轻人沿刚果河进入黑暗的非洲腹地去找寻儿时梦想的故事。途中马洛被库尔兹的传奇经历所吸引,并将拯救这位垂危的象牙代理人视为此行的另一重要目的。然而沿途所见的种种“黑暗”以及库尔兹的悲剧使他的梦想彻底破灭,也使得这次寻找“真我”的“心路历程”以失败而告终。本文的目的在于通过分析“黑暗”之发祥地“心”的象征意义,同时列举小说发表一个多世纪以来种种由“黑暗”之“心”所引发的罪恶与悲剧,说明库尔兹悲剧的必然性,以揭示《黑暗之心》的深刻含义及其对于现代的启示意义。 本文开篇简要介绍了康拉德及其作品在英国文学乃至世界文学...
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:53 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review on Conrad and his Criticism
2.1 Conrad: the writer
2.1.1 The life of Conrad
2.1.2 The works of Conrad
2.1.3 The themes of Conrad's works
2.2 Conrad: his criticism
2.2.1 The method of sociology
2.2.2 The method of psycho-analysis
2.2.3 The method of feminism
3. Analysis of Heart of Darkness: The Symbolic Meanings of "Heart"
3.1 The geo-political meanings of "heart"
3.1.1 Africa - a desolate but attractive land
3.1.2 The Inner Station
3.2 The ethical meanings of "heart"
3.2.1 The coldhearted General Manager
3.2.2 The greedy and violent "pilgrims"
3.3 The psychological meanings of "heart"
3.3.1 The Congo River - the source of darkness
3.3.2 Kurtz's heart - the heart of darkness
3.4 The social-aesthetical meanings of "heart"
3.4.1 The standard of success
3.4.2 The civilized but money-oriented Capitalist society
4. Darkness of Kurtz's Heart - Cause of His Tragedy
4.1 Kurtz: a colonizer
4.1.1 Greedy Kurtz
4.1.2 Regretful Kurtz
4.2 Kurtz: a victim of the tragedy
4.2.1 Direct cause - Kurtz's incessant capacity
4.2.2 Origin - the civilized yet depraved social system
4.2.3 End - a total loss
5. Conclusion: The Apocalypse of the Story in our Times .32
5.1 The revelation of ethics
5.2 The significance of multi-cultural co-existence
5.3 The necessity of equality in international communication
[1]“黑暗”和“心”在《黑暗的心》中的文化象征意义[J]. 李燕. 作家. 2015(14)
[2]康拉德《黑暗之心》近十年的研究述评[J]. 陶窕英. 青年文学家. 2013(26)
[1]文明冲突中的道德探索[D]. 赵冠男.河北师范大学 2015
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:53 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review on Conrad and his Criticism
2.1 Conrad: the writer
2.1.1 The life of Conrad
2.1.2 The works of Conrad
2.1.3 The themes of Conrad's works
2.2 Conrad: his criticism
2.2.1 The method of sociology
2.2.2 The method of psycho-analysis
2.2.3 The method of feminism
3. Analysis of Heart of Darkness: The Symbolic Meanings of "Heart"
3.1 The geo-political meanings of "heart"
3.1.1 Africa - a desolate but attractive land
3.1.2 The Inner Station
3.2 The ethical meanings of "heart"
3.2.1 The coldhearted General Manager
3.2.2 The greedy and violent "pilgrims"
3.3 The psychological meanings of "heart"
3.3.1 The Congo River - the source of darkness
3.3.2 Kurtz's heart - the heart of darkness
3.4 The social-aesthetical meanings of "heart"
3.4.1 The standard of success
3.4.2 The civilized but money-oriented Capitalist society
4. Darkness of Kurtz's Heart - Cause of His Tragedy
4.1 Kurtz: a colonizer
4.1.1 Greedy Kurtz
4.1.2 Regretful Kurtz
4.2 Kurtz: a victim of the tragedy
4.2.1 Direct cause - Kurtz's incessant capacity
4.2.2 Origin - the civilized yet depraved social system
4.2.3 End - a total loss
5. Conclusion: The Apocalypse of the Story in our Times .32
5.1 The revelation of ethics
5.2 The significance of multi-cultural co-existence
5.3 The necessity of equality in international communication
[1]“黑暗”和“心”在《黑暗的心》中的文化象征意义[J]. 李燕. 作家. 2015(14)
[2]康拉德《黑暗之心》近十年的研究述评[J]. 陶窕英. 青年文学家. 2013(26)
[1]文明冲突中的道德探索[D]. 赵冠男.河北师范大学 2015