发布时间:2017-04-17 03:04
【摘要】:作为文学的一个重要组成部分,儿童文学既有一般文学的特点,又有其自身的显著特色。优秀的儿童文学译作不仅可以为我国儿童成长提供精神食粮,而且可以鼓励儿童文学的不断创作。近年来,国内众多学者从不同角度对儿童文学的翻译进行了不断探索,并取得了许多重要成果。但是,从文学翻译的整体角度来看,儿童文学翻译仍然处于边缘位置。 目的论是七十年代后期德国功能学派提出的翻译理论。其核心内容是:译本的预期目的在很大程度上受到译本读者文化背景的制约,而这个预期目的决定着翻译的策略。它不再局限于翻译的对等问题,将翻译视为一种人类有目的的活动,认为译者可以通过灵活变通来满足目标读者的需求。它要求译者在着手翻译之前首先要明确译本的目的,然后在这一目的的指导下进行翻译,翻译策略的选择也要以翻译目的为导向。 不同的翻译目的引领了不同的翻译活动。任何翻译活动都必须有明确的目的为指导,儿童文学更是如此。《汤姆·索亚历险记》是美国文豪马克·吐温的第一部成名儿童小说,也是最优秀的世界儿童惊险小说之一,在世界儿童文学中享有盛誉。本文作者通过回顾儿童文学和目的论的发展,选取《汤姆·索亚历险记》两个不同时代的汉译本为例,从目的论的三原则,即目的原则,连贯原则和忠实原则,对原文和译文及两汉译本之间进行了深入的对比研究。经过仔细研究,作者发现了两汉译本的不同之处以及导致两汉译本不同的原因,并得出在目的论三原则的指导下,译者可采用合适的翻译策略和方法达到各自不同的翻译目的。
【关键词】:目的论 《汤姆·索亚历险记》的两个汉译本 对比研究 儿童文学翻译
- 摘要4-5
- Abstract5-9
- Chapter One Introduction9-13
- 1.1 Rationale of the Study9-11
- 1.2 Research Method11
- 1.3 Research Questions11
- 1.4 The Structure of the Study11-13
- Chapter Two Literature Review of the Translation of Children's Literature13-26
- 2.1 Children's Literature13-17
- 2.1.1 Definition of Children's Literature13-14
- 2.1.2 The Classification of Children's Literature14-15
- 2.1.3 Characteristics of Children's Literature15-17
- 2.2 Translation of Children's Literature17-23
- 2.2.1 Translation Study of Children's Literature in China17-21
- Children Literary Translation in Late Qing Dynasty17-18
- Children Literary Translation during May Fourth Movement18-19
- Children Literary Translation during the Liberation Period19-20
- Children Literary Translation in New Century(from the Reform and Opening-up Policy to the Present Day)20-21
- 2.2.2 Translation Study of Children's Literature in the West21-23
- 2.3 Researches on the Chinese Translation of The Adventures of Tom Swayer23-26
- Chapter Three The Theoretical Framework for This Study26-37
- 3.1 The Theoretical Background of Skopos Theory26-28
- 3.2 The Development of Skopos Theory28-31
- 3.2.1 The Development of Skopos Theory in Western Countries28-31
- Katharina Reiss28
- Hans J.Vermeer28-30
- Justa Holz-Manttari30-31
- 3.2.2 The Development of Skopos Theory in China31
- 3.3 Rules of Skopos Theory31-35
- 3.3.1 Skopos Rule32-33
- 3.3.2 Coherence Rule33-34
- 3.3.3 Fidelity Rule34-35
- 3.4 The Relationship of Three Rules35
- 3.5 Significance of Skopos Theory35-37
- Chapter Four Contrastive Study of the Two Chinese Versions37-62
- 4.1 An Introduction to Mark Twain and the Novel37-39
- 4.2 The Introduction to Two Chinese Versions39-42
- 4.2.1 Zhang Yousong and His Chinese Version40-41
- 4.2.2 Zheng Kang,Zhu Jianxun and Their Chinese Version41-42
- 4.3 A Contrastive study of the Two Chinese Versions from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory42-62
- 4.3.1 A Contrastive Study of the Two Chinese Versions from the Skopos Rule42-49
- from the Translation Purposes42-45
- from the Rhetoric respect45-49
- 4.3.2 A Contrastive Study of the Two Chinese Versions from the Coherence Rule49-58
- from the Linguistic Level49-55
- from the Cultural Level55-58
- 4.3.3 A Contrastive study of the Two Chinese Versions from the Fidelity Rule58-62
- Fidelity in meaning58-62
- Chapter Five Conclusion62-64
- 5.1 Findings62
- 5.2 Limitations of Study62-63
- 5.3 Suggestions for Future Study63-64
- References64-68
- Acknowledgements68
中国期刊全文数据库 前3条
1 袁毅;;浅论儿童文学的翻译[J];广东外语外贸大学学报;2006年04期
2 李丽;清末民初(1898~1919)儿童文学翻译鸟瞰[J];三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版);2005年01期
3 秦弓;五四时间儿童文学翻译的特点[J];中国社会科学院研究生院学报;2004年04期