发布时间:2021-08-09 19:28
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:68 页
Abstract(in English)
Abstract(in Chinese)
Chapter One:Drama and Drama Translation
1.1 Drama:dualistic nature and language features
1.1.1 The dualistic nature of drama
1.1.2 Drama text serving as the basis of a drama
1.1.3 Performance working as the completion of a drama
1.1.4 The features of drama language
1.2 Drama Translation
1.2.1 Drama Translation Studies at home and abroad
1.2.2 The Controversy in Drama Translation
Chapter Two:Relevance Theory and Its Applicability to Translation Studies
2.1 Introduction to Relevance Theory
2.1.1 A brief account of Relevance Theory
2.1.2 Basic concepts of Relevance Theory The inferential nature of communication Cognitive Environment Informative intention and communicative intention The principle of relevance and optimal relevance
2.2 Relevance Theory's Applicability to Translation Studies
2.2.1 Translation as a cognitive activity
2.2.2 What being translated:informative intention or communicative intention
2.2.3 Translation as an 'ostensive-inferential' communication
2.2.4 Searching for relevance as comprehension yardstick
2.2.5 Requirement of drama translation in the light of Relevance Theory
Chapter Three:Oscar Wilde and His Comedian Language Features
3.1 The study of Oscar Wilde
3.1.1 A brief introduction to Oscar Wilde
3.1.2 The study on Oscar Wilde in China
3.2 The language features of Oscar Wilde's comedy:with An Ideal Husband as an example
Chapter Four:Contrastive Analysis of Chinese Versions of Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband in the Light of Relevance Theory
4.1 Brief introduction to four translators of An Ideal Husband
4.1.1 Yu Kwang-chung and his translation thoughts and practice
4.1.2 Brief introduction of other translators of An Idea l Husband
4.2 Comparison between different Chinese versions of An Ideal Husband from Relevance Theory's perspective
4.2.1 Name
4.2.2 Alliteration
4.2.3 Antithesis
4.2.4 Parallelism
4.2.5 Hyperbole
4.2.6 Sarcasm
Chapter Five:Conclusion
[1]从关联理论看幽默话语的关联特质[J]. 王燕. 哈尔滨学院学报. 2005(03)
[2]王尔德喜剧中的家庭观念[J]. 吴学平. 广东社会科学. 2004(03)
[3]论王尔德喜剧中的家庭道德观[J]. 吴学平. 广州大学学报(社会科学版). 2004(06)
[4]一种基于认知科学的翻译理论——简评《翻译与关联:认知与语境》(第二版)[J]. 张春柏. 上海科技翻译. 2003(04)
[5]关联理论与翻译的本质——对翻译缺省问题的关联论解释[J]. 赵彦春. 四川外语学院学报. 2003(03)
[6]浅论戏剧的翻译[J]. 祝朝伟. 四川外语学院学报. 2002(01)
[7]关联理论对翻译的解释力[J]. 赵彦春. 现代外语. 1999(03)
[8]论王尔德喜剧的创作心态[J]. 吴学平. 广东社会科学. 1996(03)
【文章来源】:华东师范大学上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:68 页
Abstract(in English)
Abstract(in Chinese)
Chapter One:Drama and Drama Translation
1.1 Drama:dualistic nature and language features
1.1.1 The dualistic nature of drama
1.1.2 Drama text serving as the basis of a drama
1.1.3 Performance working as the completion of a drama
1.1.4 The features of drama language
1.2 Drama Translation
1.2.1 Drama Translation Studies at home and abroad
1.2.2 The Controversy in Drama Translation
Chapter Two:Relevance Theory and Its Applicability to Translation Studies
2.1 Introduction to Relevance Theory
2.1.1 A brief account of Relevance Theory
2.1.2 Basic concepts of Relevance Theory The inferential nature of communication Cognitive Environment Informative intention and communicative intention The principle of relevance and optimal relevance
2.2 Relevance Theory's Applicability to Translation Studies
2.2.1 Translation as a cognitive activity
2.2.2 What being translated:informative intention or communicative intention
2.2.3 Translation as an 'ostensive-inferential' communication
2.2.4 Searching for relevance as comprehension yardstick
2.2.5 Requirement of drama translation in the light of Relevance Theory
Chapter Three:Oscar Wilde and His Comedian Language Features
3.1 The study of Oscar Wilde
3.1.1 A brief introduction to Oscar Wilde
3.1.2 The study on Oscar Wilde in China
3.2 The language features of Oscar Wilde's comedy:with An Ideal Husband as an example
Chapter Four:Contrastive Analysis of Chinese Versions of Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband in the Light of Relevance Theory
4.1 Brief introduction to four translators of An Ideal Husband
4.1.1 Yu Kwang-chung and his translation thoughts and practice
4.1.2 Brief introduction of other translators of An Idea l Husband
4.2 Comparison between different Chinese versions of An Ideal Husband from Relevance Theory's perspective
4.2.1 Name
4.2.2 Alliteration
4.2.3 Antithesis
4.2.4 Parallelism
4.2.5 Hyperbole
4.2.6 Sarcasm
Chapter Five:Conclusion
[1]从关联理论看幽默话语的关联特质[J]. 王燕. 哈尔滨学院学报. 2005(03)
[2]王尔德喜剧中的家庭观念[J]. 吴学平. 广东社会科学. 2004(03)
[3]论王尔德喜剧中的家庭道德观[J]. 吴学平. 广州大学学报(社会科学版). 2004(06)
[4]一种基于认知科学的翻译理论——简评《翻译与关联:认知与语境》(第二版)[J]. 张春柏. 上海科技翻译. 2003(04)
[5]关联理论与翻译的本质——对翻译缺省问题的关联论解释[J]. 赵彦春. 四川外语学院学报. 2003(03)
[6]浅论戏剧的翻译[J]. 祝朝伟. 四川外语学院学报. 2002(01)
[7]关联理论对翻译的解释力[J]. 赵彦春. 现代外语. 1999(03)
[8]论王尔德喜剧的创作心态[J]. 吴学平. 广东社会科学. 1996(03)