发布时间:2021-10-17 02:47
多丽丝·莱辛(1919— ),英国著名小说家,创作丰富,总计有数十部长篇小说,七十多部短篇小说,两部剧本,一本诗集,多本论文集和回忆录。最富盛名的则是《金色笔记》。莱辛关心社会政治问题,对人的问题犹为关心。她的作品主题广泛,包括殖民主义、女性主义、马克思主义、精神分析以及宗教神秘思想。她的小说种类繁多,有悲剧、寓言、神话、成长故事、科幻小说等。她先后获得毛姆文学奖和梅迪契斯奖,几度成为诺贝尔文学奖的重要候选人,被公认为当代最优秀的文学家。 本文在对文本的分析中尝试把女性主义批评理论与叙述学理论合理地结合起来,从女性主义的角度分析莱辛《金色笔记》中的“自由女性”安娜形象和《青草在歌唱》中的玛丽形象,以揭示莱辛笔下的女性在现代工业社会、后殖民文化和男权社会中所受到的束缚、压抑,在社会中所处的边缘失语状态,以及她们对父权制社会的反抗,对女性主体意识和自由的不懈追求。同时,本文又从叙述学的角度入手,分析作为实验小说的《金色笔记》的叙事策略,以显示隐含作者及女主人公安娜如何试图从叙述主体、叙述层次、叙述方位以及情节、语言行为等叙述话语方面来颠覆男性话语,争取女性话语权,实现女性自我意识的言...
【文章页数】:85 页
Chapter Ⅰ The Debate on Doris Lessing's Feminist Consciousness
1.1 Lessing's Family and Educational Background and Her Works
1.2 The Definition of Feminist Consciousness and Doris Lessing's Feminist Consciousness
Chapter Ⅱ Feminist Consciousness of Heroines in Doris Lessing's Works
2.1 Anna's Exploration for Subjectivity and Freedom as a New Woman.
2.2 Mary's Resistance to the Colonial and Patriarchal Society and Her Failure
Chapter Ⅲ The Construction of the Feminist Consciousness in the Discourse
3.1 The Traditional Narrative Strategies of Female Writers
3.2 The Innovative Form of The Golden Notebook
3.3 The Narrative Strategies of The Grass Is Singing
Publications during the Program
【文章页数】:85 页
Chapter Ⅰ The Debate on Doris Lessing's Feminist Consciousness
1.1 Lessing's Family and Educational Background and Her Works
1.2 The Definition of Feminist Consciousness and Doris Lessing's Feminist Consciousness
Chapter Ⅱ Feminist Consciousness of Heroines in Doris Lessing's Works
2.1 Anna's Exploration for Subjectivity and Freedom as a New Woman.
2.2 Mary's Resistance to the Colonial and Patriarchal Society and Her Failure
Chapter Ⅲ The Construction of the Feminist Consciousness in the Discourse
3.1 The Traditional Narrative Strategies of Female Writers
3.2 The Innovative Form of The Golden Notebook
3.3 The Narrative Strategies of The Grass Is Singing
Publications during the Program