发布时间:2021-10-19 06:42
劳伦斯是20世纪初最著名的英国小说家之一。《儿子与情人》是他写作的最重要的一部小说。这部小说不仅被大众所广泛阅读,并在知识分子的圈中为劳伦斯带来了很高的声名。小说中,劳伦斯认为工业文明的最大恶果不仅是破坏了美丽的大自然,更为严重的是压抑了人的自然本性,破坏了人与人之间尤其是男人与女人之间的天然关系,所以他十分愤恨工业主义的文明,并且希望通过在男人与女人之间建立一种新的关系来挽救。作为劳伦斯最重要的小说之一,《儿子与情人》十分关注并致力于描写那个时代的精神混乱和道德混乱状况。通过作品,劳伦斯批判了虚伪理性对人性的干预,呼唤自然人性的回归,并提出了在那个时期他对伦理道德观的看法。正是在这一点上他更是体现为一位伦理思想家。 本文以文学伦理学批评为方法,从伦理学的角度分析在《儿子与情人》中作者所表现出来的伦理思想。劳伦斯的作品以第一次世界大战为背景,揭示经济生活的巨变和争霸对个人心理的巨大影响。经济的转型必然带来上层建筑的变化——人的思想意识(包括伦理道德观念和价值观)、人际关系(尤其是男女关系)、人的自然天性等等都随之发生深刻变化。我们在劳伦斯的小说中经常能够看见“囚禁者”和“束缚”等字眼,...
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
2. Factors Contributing to Lawrence's Ethical Thoughts6
2.1 The influence of personal experiences on Lawrence's ethical trend
2.2 The influence of social and ethical background on Lawrence
2.2.1 Utilitarianism and Puritanism in Lawrence' s novels
2.2.2 The influence of the moral hypocrisy of capitalists on Lawrence
2.2.3 The impact of suffrage movement and sexual liberation campaign on his novels
3. The Ethical Thoughts in Sons and Lovers
3.1 Sexual morality
3.1.1 Moral rebel of the ethical thoughts on sex
3.1.2 The split between "flesh" and "spirit"
3.1.3 Advocacy of the restoration toward human nature
3.2 The eco-ethical relationship between man and nature
3.2.1 Man's return to nature
3.2.2 Nature—a reviving life force
4. Realization of Moral Ideals in Sons and Lovers
4.1 Liberation from social hypocrisy
4.2 Pursuit of unity of "spirit" and "flesh"
4.3 The establishment of true friendship between the same sex
4.4 The harmony between man and nature
5. Conclusion
[1]文学伦理学批评:文学批评方法新探索[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2004(05)
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:58 页
Abstract in Chinese
Abstract in English
1. Introduction
2. Factors Contributing to Lawrence's Ethical Thoughts6
2.1 The influence of personal experiences on Lawrence's ethical trend
2.2 The influence of social and ethical background on Lawrence
2.2.1 Utilitarianism and Puritanism in Lawrence' s novels
2.2.2 The influence of the moral hypocrisy of capitalists on Lawrence
2.2.3 The impact of suffrage movement and sexual liberation campaign on his novels
3. The Ethical Thoughts in Sons and Lovers
3.1 Sexual morality
3.1.1 Moral rebel of the ethical thoughts on sex
3.1.2 The split between "flesh" and "spirit"
3.1.3 Advocacy of the restoration toward human nature
3.2 The eco-ethical relationship between man and nature
3.2.1 Man's return to nature
3.2.2 Nature—a reviving life force
4. Realization of Moral Ideals in Sons and Lovers
4.1 Liberation from social hypocrisy
4.2 Pursuit of unity of "spirit" and "flesh"
4.3 The establishment of true friendship between the same sex
4.4 The harmony between man and nature
5. Conclusion
[1]文学伦理学批评:文学批评方法新探索[J]. 聂珍钊. 外国文学研究. 2004(05)