发布时间:2022-01-19 14:48
【文章页数】:90 页
Abstract (Chinese)
0.1 Genre Theory
0.2 Postwar British Campus Novels
0.3 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis
Chapter One Emergence of British Campus Novels
1.1 First Stage of the Campus Novel
1.2 Second Stage of the Campus Novel
1.3 Differences of the Two Stages
1.3.1 Differences in Setting
1.3.2 Differences in Protagonist
1.3.3 Differences in Satire
Chapter Two Establishment of the Genre of the Postwar British Campus Novel
2.1 Family Resemblance Theory
2.2 Similarities Between the Two Generations of the Postwar British Campus Novel
2.2.1 Similarities in Subject Matter
2.2.2 Similarities in Satire
Chapter Three Transformation Within the Genre of the Postwar British Campus Novel
3.1 Repetition Between the Two Generations of the Postwar British Campus Novel
3.1.1 Repetition in Realistic Writing
3.1.2 Four Conventions of the Genre of the postwar British campus novel
3.2 Differences Between the Two Generations of the Postwar British Campus Novel
3.2.1 Differences in Authorial Orientation
3.2.2 Differences in Satire
Chapter Four Development of the Genre of the Postwar British Campus Novel
4.1 Instability of the Genre
4.1.1 New Generic Norms in Lucky Jim
4.1.2 New Generic Norms in The History Man
4.1.3 New Generic Norms in Small World
4.2 Synchronic and Diachronic Descriptions of the Genre
[1]《幸运的吉姆》中的狂欢色彩[J]. 林国浒,尹雅莉. 牡丹江教育学院学报. 2006(02)
[2]从《小世界》看巴赫金狂欢化的反讽[J]. 李增. 外国文学. 2005(05)
[3]对话与互动——浅析戴维·洛奇三部曲的复调艺术特色[J]. 丁兆国. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(03)
[4]马尔科姆·布拉德伯里[J]. 管南异. 外国文学. 2005(02)
[5]金斯莱· 艾米斯与《幸运的吉姆》[J]. 蔡芳. 和田师范专科学校学报. 2005(02)
[6]话语权的争夺:吉姆幸运的背后[J]. 陈丽. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2002(05)
[7]《小世界》的典故反讽[J]. 苏晖. 外国文学研究. 2002(02)
[8]“愤怒的青年”派小说的现实主义创作风格[J]. 鞠玉梅. 外语教学. 2001(05)
[9]小说的三要素——鲍温小说观探究[J]. 殷企平. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2001(02)
[10]论《小世界》的狂欢化精神[J]. 张恩华. 天津大学学报(社会科学版). 2000(01)
[1]《小世界》的互文性解读[D]. 尹雅莉.兰州大学 2006
[2]“愤怒的青年”派的创作思想之研究[D]. 龚梅.华中师范大学 2004
[3]戏拟与复调的寓意[D]. 丁兆国.山东师范大学 2003
[4]《小世界》的解读策略[D]. 马晓明.东北师范大学 2002
【文章页数】:90 页
Abstract (Chinese)
0.1 Genre Theory
0.2 Postwar British Campus Novels
0.3 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis
Chapter One Emergence of British Campus Novels
1.1 First Stage of the Campus Novel
1.2 Second Stage of the Campus Novel
1.3 Differences of the Two Stages
1.3.1 Differences in Setting
1.3.2 Differences in Protagonist
1.3.3 Differences in Satire
Chapter Two Establishment of the Genre of the Postwar British Campus Novel
2.1 Family Resemblance Theory
2.2 Similarities Between the Two Generations of the Postwar British Campus Novel
2.2.1 Similarities in Subject Matter
2.2.2 Similarities in Satire
Chapter Three Transformation Within the Genre of the Postwar British Campus Novel
3.1 Repetition Between the Two Generations of the Postwar British Campus Novel
3.1.1 Repetition in Realistic Writing
3.1.2 Four Conventions of the Genre of the postwar British campus novel
3.2 Differences Between the Two Generations of the Postwar British Campus Novel
3.2.1 Differences in Authorial Orientation
3.2.2 Differences in Satire
Chapter Four Development of the Genre of the Postwar British Campus Novel
4.1 Instability of the Genre
4.1.1 New Generic Norms in Lucky Jim
4.1.2 New Generic Norms in The History Man
4.1.3 New Generic Norms in Small World
4.2 Synchronic and Diachronic Descriptions of the Genre
[1]《幸运的吉姆》中的狂欢色彩[J]. 林国浒,尹雅莉. 牡丹江教育学院学报. 2006(02)
[2]从《小世界》看巴赫金狂欢化的反讽[J]. 李增. 外国文学. 2005(05)
[3]对话与互动——浅析戴维·洛奇三部曲的复调艺术特色[J]. 丁兆国. 四川外语学院学报. 2005(03)
[4]马尔科姆·布拉德伯里[J]. 管南异. 外国文学. 2005(02)
[5]金斯莱· 艾米斯与《幸运的吉姆》[J]. 蔡芳. 和田师范专科学校学报. 2005(02)
[6]话语权的争夺:吉姆幸运的背后[J]. 陈丽. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2002(05)
[7]《小世界》的典故反讽[J]. 苏晖. 外国文学研究. 2002(02)
[8]“愤怒的青年”派小说的现实主义创作风格[J]. 鞠玉梅. 外语教学. 2001(05)
[9]小说的三要素——鲍温小说观探究[J]. 殷企平. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版). 2001(02)
[10]论《小世界》的狂欢化精神[J]. 张恩华. 天津大学学报(社会科学版). 2000(01)
[1]《小世界》的互文性解读[D]. 尹雅莉.兰州大学 2006
[2]“愤怒的青年”派的创作思想之研究[D]. 龚梅.华中师范大学 2004
[3]戏拟与复调的寓意[D]. 丁兆国.山东师范大学 2003
[4]《小世界》的解读策略[D]. 马晓明.东北师范大学 2002