发布时间:2022-12-11 07:00
拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)是美国伟大的思想家,散文作家和诗人。他是美国十九世纪中叶浪漫主义的代表人物,主导作家,是位具有深远影响的美国超验主义文学运动的领袖。爱默生的思想主要体现在他的《论自然》,《论美国学者》,《神学院致辞》,《论自立》和《论超灵》等著作中。爱默生是一位集大成者,他的哲学,文化和宗教思想的形成深受欧洲浪漫主义思想以及康德等唯心主义思想的影响。他的思想核心就是“自立”,即文化上的民族自立,文学上的个性自强和宗教上“精神至上”。就文学而言,从广义上讲,爱默生强调的是民族的独立,发展具有鲜明民族特色的美国文学,显示地地道道的美国风格。从狭义上讲,爱默生强调的是个性自强,即每一个人,每一个作家,每一位诗人都应该相信自己,尊重自己,有自己的创作法则,有自己独特的写作和鉴赏风格。 爱默生的超验主义思想和他领导的超验主义运动在美国历史上产生了巨大的影响,推动了当时美国思想文化上的空前繁荣,形成了以超验主义文学运动为核心的美国浪漫主义文学运动的高潮,出现了“美国文艺复兴”。就美国文学而言,爱默生的超验主义思想不但表现在内容上...
【文章页数】:76 页
Chinese Abstract
English Abstract
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Main Content of Emerson’s Thought
2.1 Emerson’s Philosophy
2.1.1 Active Soul and Spirit
2.1.2 Self-Reliance
2.1.3 Individuality
2.2 Emerson’s Religious Thought
2.3 Emerson’s Cultural Thought
2.3.1 Literary Nationalism
2.3.2 His Aesthetics in Nature
2.3.3 Other Literary Thought—Symbolism and Individuality
Chapter 3 Condition and Background for the Formation of Emerson’s Thought
3.1 Historical Background for Emerson’s Thought
3.2 Theoretical Preparation for Emerson’s Thought
3.3 Social Background for Emerson’s Thought
Chapter 4 Great Impact of Emerson’s Thought Upon the Development of American Literature
4.1 Sense of Nationalism and the Formation of National Literature
4.2 Breakthrough in Conventional Writing and the Development of a New Style of American Itself
4.3 Hyme to Nature—the Everlasting Theme in American Literature
4.4 Symbolism in American Literature
4.5 Sense of Democracy and the Development of Individuality in American Literature
Chapter 5 Limitations of Emerson’s Thought
5.1 Over Exaggeration of Spirit
5.2 Individuality or Individualism
[1]爱默生超验主义对美国文学的影响[J]. 王屹. 外语教学. 1997(03)
【文章页数】:76 页
Chinese Abstract
English Abstract
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Main Content of Emerson’s Thought
2.1 Emerson’s Philosophy
2.1.1 Active Soul and Spirit
2.1.2 Self-Reliance
2.1.3 Individuality
2.2 Emerson’s Religious Thought
2.3 Emerson’s Cultural Thought
2.3.1 Literary Nationalism
2.3.2 His Aesthetics in Nature
2.3.3 Other Literary Thought—Symbolism and Individuality
Chapter 3 Condition and Background for the Formation of Emerson’s Thought
3.1 Historical Background for Emerson’s Thought
3.2 Theoretical Preparation for Emerson’s Thought
3.3 Social Background for Emerson’s Thought
Chapter 4 Great Impact of Emerson’s Thought Upon the Development of American Literature
4.1 Sense of Nationalism and the Formation of National Literature
4.2 Breakthrough in Conventional Writing and the Development of a New Style of American Itself
4.3 Hyme to Nature—the Everlasting Theme in American Literature
4.4 Symbolism in American Literature
4.5 Sense of Democracy and the Development of Individuality in American Literature
Chapter 5 Limitations of Emerson’s Thought
5.1 Over Exaggeration of Spirit
5.2 Individuality or Individualism
[1]爱默生超验主义对美国文学的影响[J]. 王屹. 外语教学. 1997(03)