本文选题:曲艺 + 河南坠子 ; 参考:《中国艺术研究院》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:河南坠子是流传全国许多地方的曲艺品种,也是20世纪影响较大的地方性曲种。2006年河南坠子表演艺术家刘宗琴荣获“中国曲艺牡丹奖·终身成就奖”,这一殊荣也在某种程度上确定了刘宗琴在河南坠子史上的显要地位,使之成为河南坠子史中不能跨过的一位代表性历史人物。她本人除了河南坠子的表演,在河南坠子艺术事业的组织领导工作和河南坠子艺术的传承教学方面也有所贡献。对比同时期的河南坠子艺人而言,经历相对丰富而全面,对河南坠子的发展影响也更大。她的一生随着社会发展的动荡而起伏,在个人经历和艺术特点上均有较为鲜明的特殊性和一定的代表性,故将研究目标锁定于她的生平,并带有评论性质地为其立传。 笔者以对河南坠子史的了解,对河南坠子艺术的了解,对刘宗琴表演节目的理解及其对她本人的采访,综合运用历史学、文献学、口述史、曲艺方志学和曲艺批评等等的方法,展开本论文的研究与写作。 本文共分三章。第一章“家世与师承”,对刘宗琴的家庭出身、婚姻状况及师承等基本情况进行了介绍;第二章“学艺与从艺”,对刘宗琴的艺术道路进行了描述;第三章“成就与影响”是本文的重点,通过对其代表性节目的扼要分析,以及与同时代河南坠子的另外几位代表性人物即“郑州三刘”中刘桂枝与刘明枝的相应比较,观察和总结刘宗琴特有的河南坠子艺术风格与特点,同时阐述其意义与影响;并以此阐发刘宗琴对于河南坠子当代发展的主要贡献,包括创演之外的艺术传承与事业发展等多方面的贡献。力图通过对于刘宗琴的个案研究,来为河南坠子艺术的传承与发展,提供一些思考和帮助、借鉴与启迪。 本文在文末还附有“刘宗琴艺术活动年表”、“刘宗琴表演的河南坠子主要节目一览表”、“有关刘宗琴研究及其口述整理的曲本出版情况一览表”以及“刘宗琴表演的河南坠子代表性节目唱词选”四个附件,既使本文的研究和写作对刘宗琴及其河南坠子艺术有一个更为全面和相对直观的了解,又使后续研究者有一个相对方便的资料基础与路径导引。
[Abstract]:Henan pendant is one of the most influential local music species in many parts of the country. In 2006, Liu Zongqin, an artist performing Henan pendant, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Chinese Quyi Peony Award.To a certain extent, Liu Zongqin's status in the history of Henan pendant has been confirmed, which makes him a representative figure in the history of Henan pendant.In addition to the performance of Henan pendant, she has also contributed to the organization and leadership of Henan pendant art and the teaching of Henan pendant art inheritance.Compared with Henan Huizi artists of the same period, the experience is relatively rich and comprehensive, and has a greater impact on the development of Henan pendant.Her whole life fluctuates with the social development and has distinct particularity and certain representativeness in the personal experience and the artistic characteristic, therefore, the research goal is fixed on her life story, and has the commentary nature to establish for it.By understanding the history of Henan pendant, understanding the art of Henan pendant, understanding Liu Zongqin's performance program and interviewing her, the author synthetically applies the methods of history, philology, oral history, quyi chronology, quyi criticism, and so on.Carry out the research and writing of this thesis.This paper is divided into three chapters.The first chapter, "Family background and teacher inheritance", introduces Liu Zongqin's family background, marital status and teacher's inheritance, the second chapter, "Learning and following art", describes Liu Zongqin's art path.The third chapter, "achievements and influence", is the focus of this paper, through the brief analysis of its representative programs, as well as the corresponding comparison with other representative characters of Henan Province at the same time, that is, Liu Guizhi and Liu Mingzhi in "Zhengzhou Sanliu".Observing and summarizing Liu Zongqin's unique style and characteristics of Henan pendant art, at the same time expounding its significance and influence, and expounding Liu Zongqin's main contribution to the contemporary development of Henan pendant.Including the artistic heritage and career development beyond the creation and performance of the various contributions.Through the case study of Liu Zongqin, this paper tries to provide some thoughts and help for the inheritance and development of Henan pendant art.At the end of the article, there is attached "the chronology of Liu Zongqin's artistic activities" and "A list of the main programs of Liu Zongqin's Henan pendant"."A list of the publication of songs published on Liu Zongqin's study and his oral arrangement" and "selected lyrics of representative Henan pendant programs by Liu Zongqin",Even though the research and writing of this paper have a more comprehensive and relatively intuitive understanding of Liu Zongqin and his Henan pendant art, the follow-up researchers have a relatively convenient data base and path guide.
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