本文关键词:张仃大美术观的构建 出处:《中国艺术研究院》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the times and the progress of science and technology, the cultural exchanges between the East and the West become closer and closer, which is reflected in the field of art. Traditional art thought has been unable to adapt to the new situation of art diversification. As 20th century, China's "Great Fine Arts" The famous artist Zhang Ding has opened and led the Chinese art circle to pay attention to the great art with its unique artistic achievements. This article mainly reviews the process of Zhang Ding's outstanding artistic achievements in his life. This paper systematically discusses Zhang Ding's contribution to the development of great art. Through the study of the contribution to the artistic development of Zhang Ding, the author sums up the contribution of the spirit of "great art". Guide the development of the thought of "big art". From the summary of practice to theory, the concept of "great art" is that the concept of "great art" is based on painting, sculpture, craft design and architectural art, etc., and takes art culture as its connotation. It is based on the traditional concept of art, which extends the extension of art with the aid of other disciplines, improves the comprehensive quality of fine arts talents and adapts to the requirements of the times. At the same time, it absorbs the knowledge of other disciplines and makes it have the vitality of sustainable development, in order to adapt to the new situation of contemporary art diversification and guide the development of contemporary art in China.
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