本文关键词:人学文学论 出处:《浙江大学》2005年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:文学是人学,因此,从根本上说,文学的问题就是人的问题。英国经验主义哲学家休谟曾提出:人学是其他科学的唯一牢固的基础,在没有熟悉这门科学之前,任何问题都不能得到确实的解决。休谟的这个持论很有道理。对于文学问题的解决来说,也是如此,深入全面地研究人学是文学研究纵向发展的重要前提和理论基础。 本文认为人学是关乎人的整体向度的学科,它研究的是人的整体,是整体的人。由此而伸延出人学的两个基本问题:即“是什么”和“应如何”,人学必须对这两个问题都进行回答。从这种意义上说,只有文学才是真正的人学,这不仅是因为文学活动中的人是一种具体的、感性的、活生生的存在(其他所谓的人学往往只反映人的某一方面的属性、某种抽象的本质,因此,人在他们那里只是一个凝固化的、抽象的存在)。而且,文学不仅解答人的“是然”,描绘出一副真实的人的形象,同时,文学还关注人的“应然”,引导着人去追求真正的“应该”生活(其他所谓的人学只涉及人的实体属性,它们往往只专注于解决人的“是然”的问题,专注于解决人的性质、特点以及其发展的客观规律,而很少涉及到人的“应是”的问题)。因此,只有文学才对人学的两个基本问题进行了真正的全面的解决,也只有文学才能真正描绘出一幅“完整的人的图景”。我们之所以提出人学文学这个论题,也是基于这样一种思考和体认的结果。 本论文分为六个部分。第一章:总论,分别从人学域阀的厘定与人学文学论;理论认同的危机及研究的必要;当代文学的“人学”空场与研究的实践指向等三个维度论证人学文学研究的必要性和可行性。第二章:西方人学思想的历史钩沉,分别论述感性论、理性论、存在论、符号论等西方代表性的人学理论。第三章:中国人学思想的历史钩沉,分别探讨在中国人学思想史上占据重要地位的儒家和道家人学思想。第四章:从悖立到整合:马克思主义人学,集中探讨马克思主义的人学思想,在同中外传统人学思想的对比中凸现马克思主义人学思想的科学性和辩证性特征,为第五章深入展开人学文学的研究进行理论上的铺垫。第五章:人学文学的表征,从本体言说:人与文学的根柢;实践表征:人与文学活动;功能指向:文学与人的建构等三个层面阐述人学文学的内涵。第六章:走向人学文学论,本章对人学文学的研究对象、学科定位、研究方法以及人学文学的学科生成和发展的逻辑必然性进行了全面的体认和探讨,为深入开展人学文学的研究奠定一个初步的理论基础。 总之,深入开展人学文学研究是文艺理论研究从传统范式走向现代性形态的重要环节,人学文学的深入发展既要依托于文学研究的现代成果,又要借助于人学学科的理论视界,这决定了其在学理生成和理论生长中的交叉性和综合性的特点。本文只是在相关问题上谈了一些初步的构想,它的发展和深化还需要文艺学界的共同努力,这是一个相当漫长的过程。
[Abstract]:The literature is a human study, therefore, fundamentally speaking, literature problem is the problem of people. The British empiricist philosopher Hume once said: man is the only solid foundation of other sciences, before not familiar with the science, any problems can be indeed solved. This argument is Hume is very reasonable. So to solve the problem of the literature, in-depth, comprehensive study of human science is the vertical development of the literary research premise and theoretical basis.
This paper believes that science is about people's overall dimension of discipline, it is the study of people as a whole, is a whole man. The extension of two basic questions were: "what" and "how to learn", people must be on the two questions are answered from this. Sense, only literature is the real people, this is not only because of the literary activities of the people is a specific, sensitive, alive (other so-called people often reflect only the attributes, one aspect of human nature, so some abstract, there is only one in their a solidifying, abstract existence). Moreover, the literature not only answer "what it is", depicts a real image of a person, at the same time, also pay close attention to people's Literature "should be", to guide people to pursue the real life "should" (the other so-called people involved and only the entity attribute, it They tend to focus on solving the problem of "what it is", focus on the nature, characteristics and the objective law of its development, and rarely involve people "should be" problem). Therefore, only literature is a real and comprehensive solution to the two basic problems of human science also, only the literature truly draws a picture of the "people's complete prospect". The reason why we put forward people literature of the subject, but this kind of thinking and understanding based on the results.
This paper is divided into six parts. The first chapter: introduction, theory of literature and science domain were determined from the valve; the theory and research of the identity crisis necessary; necessity and feasibility study of literature and Contemporary Literature "human science" field and the practical direction of the research the three dimensions of proving science. The second chapter: Western humanistic thought history, discusses the theory of sensibility, rational theory, ontology, semiotics and other western representative theory. The third chapter: Chinese theory of history, respectively to occupy an important position in the Chinese thought in the history of Confucian and Taoist thoughts. Fourth chapter: from opposition to integration: Marx's human science, focuses on Marx's thought of people, in the same overseas scientific comparison system of humanism in Marx highlights the humanism theory and the dialectical characteristic, fifth chapter launched Xue Wen The study of theory. The fifth chapter: the characterization of human literature, from the root of human speech: ontology and literary practice; characterization: people and literary activities; point: three aspects of literature and construction of people of homonology literature. The sixth chapter: to learn literature in this chapter, on literature research object, subject orientation, research methods and study literary subject formation and development of the logical necessity of recognition and comprehensive study, establish a preliminary theoretical basis for further study of human science literature.
In short, people carry out science literature research is an important part of literary theory to modern form from the traditional paradigm of modern literature, the results of in-depth development should rely on the study of literature, but also the help of theory horizon, which determines its formation and growth in the academic theory of cross and comprehensive features. This paper is on the relevant issues about some preliminary ideas, also needs the joint efforts of literary and art circles and deepening of its development, this is a very long process.
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