本文选题:尤金·奈达 + 功能对等 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:本文尝试从尤金·奈达功能对等理论的角度,分析李继宏译卡罗德·胡塞尼作品《The kite Runner》。作者从功能对等包含的各个原则对此中文译本进行解析。近年来原作《The Kite Runner》受到世界范围内国家和地区的广泛好评,并因其文化现实意义而引起了巨大反响。李继宏的中译本《追风筝的人》在中国深受广大读者喜爱并获得巨大成功。鉴于该译文达到了如原文般的读者反映效果,本文作者认为这是一个很好的翻译研究案例也是很有价值的文学研究文本。因奈达的功能对等理论在文学翻译领域具有很好的指导作用,故作者将其选为理论依据,进行译文的文本分析。首先,从奈达功能对等论的重要成果:读者反应论出发,分别在词汇,修辞和句法层面分析译本所能达到的读者反映效果。其次,作者从功能对等理论中奈达提出的新的语言和翻译概念,这一角度,对李继宏在翻译过程中是否达到译文和原文的信息对等进行分析。继而,按照功能翻译理论的内容,在文化层面上,解析李继宏利用何种方法在翻译过程中进行文化移植。最后,在风格对等的角度对该译本进行文本分析,解析译文与原文是否达到风格对等。李继宏的译作《追风筝的人》是功能翻译理论原则指导下的成功范例,对该译作的研究和学习将有益于与之类似的文学翻译实践。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of Eugene Nida's functional equivalence theory, this paper attempts to analyze the translation of "The kite Runner" by Li Jihong. The author interprets the Chinese translation from the principles of functional equivalence. In recent years, the original The Kite Runner has been widely praised by countries and regions all over the world, and has caused great repercussions because of its cultural significance. Li Jihong's Chinese translation Kite Catcher is very popular and successful in China. In view of the readership effect of the translation, the author considers it to be a good case study of translation and a valuable literary text. Since Nida's functional equivalence theory plays a very good guiding role in literary translation, the author chooses it as the theoretical basis for the text analysis of the translation. First of all, starting from the important achievement of Nida's functional equivalence theory: reader's response theory, the author analyzes the reader's reflection effect from the lexical, rhetorical and syntactic levels respectively. Secondly, from the perspective of the new concepts of language and translation put forward by Nida in functional equivalence theory, the author analyzes whether Li Jihong can achieve the information equivalence between the target text and the original text in the process of translation. Then, according to the content of functional translation theory, on the cultural level, the author analyzes how Li Ji-hong carries out cultural transplantation in the process of translation. Finally, the text of the translation is analyzed from the perspective of style equivalence to analyze whether the translation and the original text achieve stylistic equivalence. Li Jihong's translation "Kite pursuers" is a successful example under the guidance of functional translation theory. The study and study of this translation will benefit the literary translation practice similar to it.
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