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发布时间:2018-05-06 17:39

  本文选题:中华艺术 + 艺术学科 ; 参考:《艺术百家》2014年01期

[Abstract]:Mr. Li Xifan, born in December 1927 in Tongxian County, Hebei Province (now Tongzhouwei, Beijing, born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province), graduated from the Chinese Department of Shandong University in August 1953, and studied philosophy in Renmin University of China from September 1953 to December 1954. The Chinese Academy of Art is the first to hire a lifelong researcher. He has served as deputy director of the Department of Literature and Art of People's Daily, executive vice president of the Chinese Academy of Art, executive deputy head of the National Art Science Planning leading Group, director of the Chinese Writers Association, honorary president of the China Red Cross Society, and editor-in-chief of the Dream of Red Mansions, etc. He was elected a member of the eighth National Committee of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference, a deputy to the fourth National people's Congress and a deputy to the Thirteenth and Fourteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Mr. Li Xifan's academic research for more than 50 years covers the fields of classical Chinese literature, red literature, Lu Xun, modern literary criticism and so on. Commissioned by our editorial department, Dr. Li Ruofei of the Chinese Academy of Art conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Li Xifan. A historical review of President Li Xifan's position as executive deputy leader of the National Art Science Planning leading Group and the related work during the period when he presided over the "General History of Chinese Art" national major projects, At the same time, it also makes a historical combing of the development of art and science in China. The editorial department of this magazine published this interview in order to let us know more about the current situation of the development of national art science research, and to profoundly grasp the historical law between cultural development and the theoretical study of art science. To enhance our recognition of the important role of the scientific research of the basic theory of art in driving the development of contemporary cultural innovation and the value of the scientific research of the basic theory, and at the same time, to grasp and accumulate deeply the reality in the academic circles, especially in the construction of the art theory. To realize the great prosperity and development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, and to further promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院;深圳职业技术学院;


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