本文选题:商品拜物教 + 商品化 ; 参考:《中央美术学院》2005年博士论文
【摘要】:在西方审美文化语境中,自19世纪以来,一个日渐突出的现象是商品化对于审美文化的影响。围绕着对这种影响所做出的理论阐释及其思维模式的梳理与考察,本论文就构成其核心的商品拜物教的本质、存在方式和发展变化做了分析和研究,试图从这个研究主线中,探明有关人类商品活动和审美活动发展的具有普遍意义的规律。 本论文在结构和方法上大体分为三个部分,首先对马克思的商品拜物教批判的论述,以期还原一百多年前马克思这个著名理论产生的政治经济学语境;其次对马克思之后西方著名学者围绕这个话题所展开的审美文化理论批判之路径的梳理和辨析,力求掌握其在资本主义商品生产不同阶段发展变化的结构、形态和规律;最后在前两部分的基础上,运用多学科、多层面的交叉研究的辨证方法,从审美文化和审美观念转型的角度来分析商品拜物教批判所面临的思维模式困境与出路。 通过分析与论证,本论文认为,对待当代文化尤其是当代审美文化发展中的商品拜物教及其各种变体问题,不能采取是与非、真与伪等等的肯定或否定的简单态度,更不能以对商品拜物教的这种简单态度来取舍大众审美文化,而是应该摆脱传统思维模式的二元对立,从一种更加辨证、宽容、开放和多元共生的视角出发,来完整地理解商品活动与审美活动的相互关系,来看待和处理当代市场经济发展中出现的当代审美文化的得与失、利与弊。只有通过这样的客观分析和正确认识,才能够为研究我国正在建设的有中国特色的社会主义市场经济过程中审美文化的变化,重构文化艺术的新的审美观念,提供有益的借鉴。
[Abstract]:In the context of western aesthetic culture, since the 19th century, an increasingly prominent phenomenon is the impact of commercialization on aesthetic culture. Focusing on the theoretical explanation and thinking mode of this kind of influence, this paper analyzes and studies the essence, the way of existence, the development and change of the commodity fetishism, which is the core of it, and tries to analyze and study it from the main line of this research. To explore the development of human commodity activities and aesthetic activities of universal significance of the law. This paper is divided into three parts in terms of structure and method. Firstly, it discusses Marx's critique of commodity fetishism in order to restore the political economic context of Marx's famous theory more than 100 years ago. Secondly, combing and discriminating the way of criticism of aesthetic culture theory launched by famous western scholars around this topic after Marx, trying to grasp the structure, form and law of its development and change in different stages of capitalist commodity production; Finally, on the basis of the first two parts, the dialectical method of multi-disciplinary and multi-level cross-research is used to analyze the dilemma of thinking mode and the outlet of the criticism of commodity fetishism from the angle of the transformation of aesthetic culture and aesthetic concept. Through analysis and argumentation, this paper holds that the problem of commodity fetishism and its various variants in the development of contemporary culture, especially contemporary aesthetic culture, cannot be treated with a simple attitude of affirmation or negation, such as "yes and no", "true and false" and so on. We should not choose the popular aesthetic culture with this simple attitude towards commodity fetishism, but should get rid of the dualistic opposition of the traditional mode of thinking and proceed from a perspective of more dialectical, tolerant, open and pluralistic symbiosis. To fully understand the relationship between commodity activities and aesthetic activities, and to deal with the gains and losses, advantages and disadvantages of contemporary aesthetic culture in the development of the contemporary market economy. Only through such objective analysis and correct understanding can we provide a useful reference for the study of the changes of aesthetic culture and the reconstruction of the new aesthetic concept of culture and art in the process of constructing the socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.
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