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发布时间:2018-06-24 08:24

  本文选题:得意忘言 + 王弼明象论 ; 参考:《浙江师范大学》2003年硕士论文

【摘要】: 内容提要:“得意忘言”是中国哲学“言意之辨”的命题之一。“言意之辨”包含“言不尽意”、“言尽意”和“得意忘言”三种命题,其中“得意忘言”最初由庄子提出,王弼通过“象”的中介,对《周易·系辞》的“立象以尽意”思想和庄子的“得意而忘言”的主张予以综合创新,从而提出不同于庄子的新的“得意忘言”哲学命题。王弼这一新的“得意忘言”哲学命题蕴涵了远比庄子的“得意忘言”命题丰富的哲学思想,这些思想一方面促使魏晋时代的“生活准则”、“文学艺术”等各个方面都表现出不同于以往任何一个时代的美学风貌——“魏晋风度”,另一方面又促使“得意忘言”玄学命题转换为一个个具有深刻美学意义的审美范畴——诸如“比兴”、“意象”、“意境”等等,最终建构起我国博大精深、富有民族特色的美学体系,对中国古典美学思想产生了深远的影响。 然而,,当前一些学者由于无视或忽视美学与哲学两个领域中言意问题的重大差异,在关于“得意忘言”哲学命题美学转换这个问题上,存在不少误解。因而,本文又从“得意忘言”论产生的哲学背景着手分析,以期挖掘意与言象之关系在不同领域产生差异的根源,由此阐明在对这一命题进行美学转换时应该注意的内在理路。不当之处,敬请方家指正。
[Abstract]:Abstract: "triumphant forget words" is one of the propositions of Chinese philosophy. The argument of speech and meaning contains three kinds of propositions: "speech is not full of meaning", "to say the best" and "to forget words". Among them, "proud to forget words" was first put forward by Chuang Tzu, and Wang Bi passed the intermediary of "Xiang". This paper synthetically innovates the idea of "setting up images with the utmost intention" in Book of changes and Zhuang Zi's "proud but forgetting words", and puts forward a new philosophical proposition of "proud forgetting words" which is different from Zhuang Zi's. Wang Bi's new philosophical proposition of "triumphant forget words" contains far more philosophical thoughts than Zhuangzi's, which on the one hand promoted the "standard of life" in the Wei and Jin dynasties. "Literature and art" and other aspects all show a different aesthetic style than any previous era-"Wei Jin style", On the other hand, the metaphysical propositions of "triumphant forget words" are transformed into aesthetic categories with profound aesthetic significance such as "Bi Xing", "image", "artistic conception" and so on. The aesthetic system with national characteristics has exerted a profound influence on the Chinese classical aesthetic thought. However, because some scholars ignore or ignore the significant difference between speech and meaning in the two fields of aesthetics and philosophy, there are many misunderstandings about the aesthetic transformation of the philosophical proposition of "complacency and forget words". Therefore, this paper starts from the philosophical background of the theory of "triumphant forget words", in order to explore the root causes of the differences between meaning and speech in different fields, and thus clarify the internal logic that should be paid attention to in the aesthetic transformation of this proposition. If there is something wrong, please ask Fang Jia to correct it.


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