[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problem of equivalence in the translation of ancient Chinese poetry and to emphasize the importance of language training in realizing the translation equivalence of ancient Chinese poetry. As far as English translation of ancient Chinese poetry is concerned, adherence to the original aim or the pursuit of equivalence is undoubtedly the most fundamental requirement for the translation. Recalling that the elaboration of the concept of "equivalence" by the translation community over the past fifty years is sufficient proof of the controversial and multidimensional nature of the concept, That is, no translation can achieve equivalence in all directions. At the same time, by looking back at the concept, it's not hard to see that, Understanding the original text accurately and accurately conveying the original text in a way that the reader understands is undoubtedly the essence of "equivalence". Pulp. This theory is more obvious in the translation of ancient Chinese poetry. Due to the difference between the times and the heterogeneous cultures, the translator and the author of the original will be separated from each other in time and space. Therefore, the urgent task of translating ancient poetry into English is language exegesis. Ancient Chinese is different from English. And then can be divided into chapters and broken sentences. There is no doubt that the poetic expressions are all the products of the corresponding cultural traditions, and Huang Tingjian's praise of du Fu's poems is the best footnote to this theory. If the translation of ancient Chinese poetry into English does not delve deeply into the meaning of the original text (word), It is difficult to understand and convey the word behind the "transmission or meaningful things." The meaning of a word is not understood. A false judgment will misinterpret the original text and make the original text separate from the target text. Therefore, it is very important for the translation to pursue the equal value of reading poetry accurately, which is the origin of translation language exegesis. Poetry is the unity of sound, form and meaning, The purpose of translation is to transplant these elements of the original into the target language as accurately as possible. Due to the particularity of the form of Chinese language, the elements of phonetic beauty and beauty of form in ancient Chinese poetry are different from each other. It's hard to communicate in another language, Therefore, this paper mainly starts with the third element (including rhetoric, style, poetic emotion waiting for translation). This paper studies the mode of interpretation and its effective role in the pursuit of equivalence in the translation of Chinese poetry into English.
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