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发布时间:2018-07-14 08:36
【摘要】: 站在世纪转折点上的我们面临着一个技术的时代,技术正逐渐走向社会化和生活化,它对人的存在产生了广泛的影响。艺术作为人的存在的一个重要领域,同样面临着一个技术的境域,技术对艺术的影响越来越大。今天,对艺术中的技术、艺术与技术的关系的研究,已经成为文化研究中不可逾越的一部分。但是,仅仅从现象层面来看待艺术与技术,已使许多问题难以解释,因此,我们有必要突破现象层面而深入研究技术的本质及其与艺术之间复杂而微妙的关系。 在本文中,首先对艺术中的技术作了一个界定,并从“技术物”和“技术的本质”两个层面加以分析,同时,,说明了二者对艺术所形成的影响,这是文章的第一部分。在第二部分主要是结合当下语境,分析技术和艺术的深层联系,以技术的悖论为突破口,论述了技术对艺术形成的正负影响,技术对艺术中空间的时间化和时间的空间化的影响等问题,从而揭示了在当下语境中,技术与艺术之间复杂但很丰富的关系。第三部分以本雅明的艺术生产理论为依据,论述了在技术复制的“千篇一律”的时代,独创性艺术仍然能够存在。 思,意味着对问题进行认真的、深入的揭示,本文正是以这样一种态度来对待艺术中的技术这一问题,笔者希望通过艺术中的技术之思,向人们澄明一种艺术的存在方式,从而能够不再简单化地对待艺术与技术的关系,而给艺术注入新的活力。
[Abstract]:Standing at the turning point of the century, we are faced with a technological era, technology is gradually moving towards socialization and life, it has a wide impact on the existence of human beings. As an important field of human existence, art is also faced with a field of technology, which has more and more influence on art. Today, the study of art technology and the relationship between art and technology has become an insurmountable part of cultural research. However, just looking at art and technology from the phenomenon level has made many problems difficult to explain. Therefore, it is necessary for us to break through the phenomenon level and deeply study the essence of technology and its complex and subtle relationship with art. In this paper, we first define the technology in art, and analyze it from the two aspects of "technical object" and "essence of technology". At the same time, we explain their influence on art, which is the first part of the article. In the second part, the author analyzes the deep connection between technology and art, and discusses the positive and negative effects of technology on the formation of art, taking the paradox of technology as the breakthrough point. The influence of technology on the time of space and the space of time in art reveals the complex but rich relationship between technology and art in the present context. The third part, based on Benjamin's theory of art production, discusses that original art can still exist in the era of technological reproduction. Think, mean to carry on serious, deep revelation to the question, this article is precisely with this kind of attitude to deal with this question in the art, the author hopes to clarify a kind of artistic existence way to people through the thought of the technology in the art. Thus, the relationship between art and technology can be treated no longer simplistically, and new vitality can be injected into art.


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