[Abstract]:Walter Benjamin (1892-1944), a German Jewish scholar, has great and profound ideas. Although he had little influence in his life, he caused a stir in Western academia after his death. Western scholars began the so-called "Benjamin revival" in the 1960s, and China began its own "Benjamin upsurge" in the late 1980s. Looking at the research on Benjamin's fables at home and abroad, the general feeling is lack of systematicness and has the shortcoming of floating and fragmenting. This paper attempts to systematically, comprehensively, deeply grasp Benjamin's fable theory and highlight the status of allegory in his literary and artistic thoughts. Then it interprets the current literary practice in China and puts forward my own views. This topic may participate in the domestic flourishing fable criticism practice upsurge, and can comb the western fable theory development course and the thought vein through the Benjamin this academic thought important place, has the strong practice significance and the theory value. This paper consists of six parts. On the basis of a brief introduction of the present research situation of Benjamin's theory at home and abroad, the introduction points out that this paper focuses on the fable theory based on the existing research results. Firstly, the connotation of fable theory changes in the western context. Through the vertical combing of history, there are three stages in ancient Greece and Rome, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and the Romantic period to review the evolution of the fable theory connotation in the western historical context before Benjamin. The evolution of the three periods has formed two characteristics of the traditional allegory: semantic division and complex meaning. Second, mourning dramas: the academic background and theoretical premise of Benjamin's fable theory. Benjamin's fable theory is based on the German Baroque tragedy, whose features in subject matter, plot, character, conflict, structure, style and language highlight its connection with the art form of fable. It is through the philosophical analysis and historical investigation of Baroque's mourning drama that Benjamin puts forward his fable theory. Thirdly, Benjamin's fable theory. Including Benjamin's understanding of the meaning of fables, the characteristics of fables, the study of fable generation. First of all, Benjamin's "fable" is an absolute, universal expression, and an organic model for observing the world. It expresses abstract concepts with irony and metaphor, and gloomily expresses the darkness of the world. The decay of nature and the depravity of human nature. Secondly, compared with traditional fables, Benjamin's fables are secular, broken and melancholy. Thirdly, image of ruins, irony and metaphor are the ways of generating Benjamin's fables. Fourth, the position of fable theory in Benjamin's literary thought. Since Benjamin's aesthetic system is difficult to generalize,
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