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发布时间:2018-08-26 15:18
【摘要】:戏剧场面是戏剧结构的基本单位。所有剧作者在创作的时候都不可避免的面临戏剧场面的处理这个最实际最基本的问题:在众多的原始素材面前,该如何选择有戏可写的戏剧场面?在戏剧场面的推进中,又以什么作为场面与场面之间转换连接的“核”,其内在联系是什么?通俗的说,就是要写什么和为什么这么写! 戏剧作品的最终呈现,都逃不脱两个最根本的落脚点:事件和人。“事件”指的就是情节,被模仿的行动;而“人”,就是人物与人物之间具有的独特的错综复杂的性格和心理关系,即人物关系。任何戏剧场面里,都要有动作,这是“事”;同时,又要展示人物的性格特点和心理关系,这是“人”。在戏剧场面的选择中,如何处理“人”和“事”,大致有两种方法:一是“以人叙事”,指的是把戏剧场面作为表现某一事件的过程,而让剧中人物去充当事件的说明者;一是“事为人设”,指的是剧作家处理剧本情节的着眼点是“写人”,是展示人物性格、内心世界和人物关系的变化。 在对戏剧本质的探讨中,亚里士多德认为:戏剧是用动作模仿行动中的人;别林斯基提出:人是戏剧的主人公,在戏剧中,不是事件支配人,而是人支配事件。这样的结论是相当有力的,正因为如此,戏剧场面选择的基点,应该放在“人”上,要以充分展示人物与人物之间具有的错综复杂的性格和心理关系——人物关系为目标;在有限的戏剧场面中,着力展开人物关系,在人物的相互交往中塑造人物。 要吸引观众深入人物的内心世界,就要以“人”为出发点。只有揭示了人物丰富的情感和精神状态的场面,只有展示了人物之间千变万化的心理关系的场面,才是最具有戏剧性的戏剧场面,人物关系的转变在戏剧场面的选择(及推进)中的起着核心的作用。
[Abstract]:The dramatic scene is the basic unit of the dramatic structure. All dramatists are inevitably faced with the most practical and basic question of how to deal with the dramatic scenes: in the face of so many raw materials, how to choose the drama scenes that can be written? What is the internal connection between the scenes and the scenes? Popular say, is to write what and why to write! The ultimate presentation of dramatic works cannot escape from two most fundamental footholds: events and human beings. "event" refers to the action of plot and imitation, while "person" is the unique complex relationship of character and psychology between characters, that is, the relationship between characters. In any theatrical scene, there must be action, which is "thing"; at the same time, to show the character and psychological relationship, this is "human." In the selection of dramatic scenes, there are two ways to deal with "people" and "things": one is "narration by man", which refers to taking the dramatic scene as the process of expressing a certain event, and letting the characters of the play act as the narrator of the event; The first is "things for people", which refers to the playwright's point of view in dealing with the plot of the script is "writing people", which shows the changes of character, inner world and relationship between characters. In the study of the essence of drama, Aristotle holds that drama is a man who imitates action by action, and Billingsky puts forward that man is the protagonist of drama. In drama, it is not events that dominate people, but people dominate events. This conclusion is quite powerful, because of this, the basic point of the drama scene choice should be "people", with the aim of fully showing the complex character and psychological relationship between the characters and the characters; In the limited theatrical scenes, we try to develop the relationship between the characters and shape the characters in the interaction of the characters. In order to attract the audience into the inner world of the characters, we should take the "people" as the starting point. Only the scenes that reveal the rich emotional and mental state of the characters, the scenes that show the ever-changing psychological relationship between the characters, are the most dramatic scenes. The change of character relationship plays a central role in the selection (and promotion) of dramatic scenes.


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