[Abstract]:Apart from the marginalization of literature and the changes in the status and function of literature in contemporary cultural settings and spiritual life, The important reason why Chinese literature research has been in difficulty is the modern literary concept based on the concept of western literature and the classification of literature. This kind of serious harm is embodied in literary history and literary theory. It can not effectively explain the truth of the existing literary facts in China, nor can it effectively deal with the new literary form. The study of the history of ideas and the theory of paradigm partly save the practical dilemma of literary research, but it is only an expedient measure. The arrival of post-modernism, the arrival of the digital age and the dynamic role of literary anthropology in literary research are the three opportunities of literary research today. It is of experimental significance to construct a multi-level literary paradigm theory and to seek literary concepts of universal value in order to achieve a true and rational understanding of human culture. The comprehensive, different, ecological, constructive and reflective theoretical and practical character is also necessary to construct the new landscape of literary research of the times.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学中文系;
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