[Abstract]:Starting from the three concepts of creation, innovation and imitation, which have a great influence on art activities and art teaching activities, this paper discusses the relationship between art creation, art imitation, imitation, innovation and creation, and the application of imitation in art teaching. Two parts, art and innovation; the third part, imitation of art; the fourth part, the relationship between imitation and creation; the fifth part, re-understanding of imitation in art teaching.
The first part discusses the true embodiment of creativity in artistic activities from the meaning of artistic creation and draws the conclusion that artistic creation is not equal to innovation. The third part is the key part of this paper. It discusses the imitation of art, the dimension of imitation, the subjectivity of imitation, and the imitation between artists. It is concluded that imitation is the essential attribute of art. The fourth part is the relationship between imitation and creation from three different degrees of human culture. Starting from the problem of dependence, this paper discusses the fundamental relationship between imitation and creation. The last part uses all the previous conclusions to discuss the manifestation, nature and application principles of imitation in art teaching.
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