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发布时间:2018-09-08 18:35
[Abstract]:At present, the research of Chinese narratology has entered a new stage of development, from the translation and introduction of the western narrative theory and the interpretation of the Chinese classical narrative theory in the early stage to putting forward the Chinese narrative problems and how to construct the narrative theory to solve these problems. The premise of constructing Chinese narrative theory is to clarify some cognitive problems, such as the rationality of constructing Chinese narrative theory, the relationship between Chinese classical narrative and modern narrative. The relationship between Chinese narrative theory and Chinese classical narrative research, the relationship between Chinese narrative theory and western narrative theory, and how to deal with other fields of narration, such as film, news media, painting, sculpture, law and so on. This paper puts forward that the construction of Chinese narrative theory should be based on the soil of Chinese narration, not only to draw lessons from the western narrative theory, but also to rely on the existing narrative theory in China.
【作者单位】: 英国诺丁汉大学;上海外国语大学英语学院;


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