[Abstract]:"Xing" is the expression of feelings or words caused by the trigger and infection of things, which runs through the creation theory of ancient Chinese literature. In this state of creation, the feeling is deep, the subject becomes aware of the object as soon as it touches it, and the subject can get aesthetic photos directly from the perception of the immediate object, without the need for the participation of logical thinking activities such as reasoning, comparison, association, etc. At the same time, this reflection is profound and real, which is called "fun and meaning." Of course, "Xing" is not only a state of mind that suddenly runs through, but it also often manifests itself in the smooth and automatic acquisition of good words and wonderful sentences, that is, there is no alienation between the language and the aesthetic experience in the communication, a word, or a sentence. Or a paragraph of text in a flash, come at once, all the way, or even the whole masterpiece in one go, this is called "Xing ci". " Exhilaration is the ideal way to create works that are imprinted and natural.
【作者单位】: 重庆师范大学中文系;
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