[Abstract]:This thesis systematically studies Ren 茅 Wellek,1903-1995, a famous western literary theorist, literary critic and comparative writer. Since the new era, he has had a profound influence on the study of Chinese literary theory and comparative literature in the past 20 years. This thesis is the first comprehensive, systematic and in-depth study and interpretation of Willerk's poetics in China. The basic point of view is that the basic characteristics of Weller's poetics system are the coexistence and blending of scientism and humanism, the philosophical foundation stone is phenomenological method, the theoretical origin is mainly phenomenological literary theory, structuralist linguistics and the new criticism of Anglo-American. The core concept is the category of "structure", and the logical starting point is the theory of the mode of existence of literary works. On this basis, the three theoretical plates formed are the ontology of literary structure, the hierarchy of literary works and the methodology of literary research. Through careful analysis and argumentation, the paper puts forward and clarifies a series of new and profound viewpoints and opinions on Willerk's literary theory, which is helpful to overcome the misquoted and misreading of Willerk's poetics in Chinese circles. The paper puts forward some new ideas on the theoretical origin of Weller's literary theory, the theory of "material / structure", "internal / external study", "perspective doctrine" methodology, "linguistic imperialism", "transcending Willerk" and so on. In terms of research methods, the thesis adopts multi-level comparison and multi-dimensional vision, taking the double variation of scientism and humanism in western literary theory in the 20th century as the classics, and turning the theory of one work and one reader into a weft. Try to put Willerk in the history of western literary theory in the 20 th century to analyze and investigate.
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