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发布时间:2018-10-05 14:20
[Abstract]:What is the relationship between literature and the external real world? This question has been one of the basic problems of literature from ancient Greece to contemporary times. In the discourse around this question, there is often a "short circuit" between whether literature reproduces the outside world and what literature is good literature. The fact judgment is confused with the value judgment. This phenomenon obscures the ideology behind these judgments. Since Plato and Aristotle, literature has been defined as reproduction, but Aristotle's "re-" is a virtual, because the poet imitates the object is not the real world. The western modern text theory since the 20th century tries to completely deny Plato and Aristotle's imitation theory and establish a self-contained text world. It is believed that the reference of the text is not the real world but the text itself. However, the theoretical thoroughness leads the text theory into a logical paradox: if the premise of the text theory is correct and literature cannot reproduce the reality, there is no reason to criticize realism. Because realistic literature, like all texts, has nothing to do with reality, it does not constitute a reason to reject realism. In fact, it is not the essence of literature to reproduce or not, but the different answers to the question of reproduction reflect different attitudes to the discourse order, thus showing different ethical and political choices in literary views. The reappearance of traditional realism is actually embodied in obedience to a certain understandable and acceptable order, although realism literature often has the significance of criticizing the realistic society. But the criticism depends entirely on the "macro narration" behind it, that is, to use a discourse order to confront the existing order, which itself is eternal. Non-reproducing modern literature is often the subversion of order, which demands the abolition of any ideology that may restrict the text. It opposes not a specific order, but order itself.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学文学院文艺学研究中心;


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