[Abstract]:Media literary criticism is a new form of literary criticism popular in recent years. It refers to literary criticism dominated by mass media and carried out in mass media. This paper attempts to analyze this new form of criticism, and discusses the main differences between media literary criticism and traditional literary criticism, and what methods mass media have adopted in participating in literary criticism. The inherent characteristics of media literary criticism, the significance and problems brought about by media literary criticism, and the problems that should be paid attention to in the future development of this new form of criticism, etc. This paper holds that the differences between media literary criticism and traditional literary criticism are mainly manifested in six aspects: first, the carrier of criticism is different: the carrier of media literary criticism is the mass media. The carrier of literary criticism is mainly professional academic publication. Second, the main body of criticism is different: the main body of media literary criticism includes not only some critics, but also editors of many media, journalists and part of the public: third, The audience of criticism is different: the audience of media literary criticism is anyone who contacts the media, while the audience of literary criticism is the elite who specializes in research: fourth, The forms of criticism are different: the media literary criticism adopts the way of news expression, that is, report and comment, while literary criticism is more rational analysis; Fifth, the function of criticism is different: the main function of media literary criticism is to provide entertainment for the public, while literary criticism is mainly to spread knowledge and enlighten rational thinking; Sixthly, the value of criticism is different: the value of media literary criticism is more expressed as news value, while the value of literary criticism lies in its scientific, literary and academic nature. When the mass media participate in literary criticism, they have adopted an obvious way and method with the nature of news operation, that is, to choose the choice of topics, form arrangement and broadcast time of criticism, to plan the columns and contents, and to set up the topics. I hope to arouse public attention and thinking through my own report, and therefore show strong selectivity, planning and agenda setting. Media literary criticism mainly achieves its purpose of persuading and guiding the public through its inherent characteristics, which are easy and easy style, sharp humor style, short and quick transmission. This trait allows people to obtain information and entertainment in a relaxed and pleasant state. The media literary criticism not only provides people with knowledge, entertainment and broaden the criticism space, but also brings some negative effects, such as spreading prejudice, making criticism vulgar and showing unprincipled tolerance to criticism. Therefore, in the development of media literary criticism, attention must be paid to constantly strengthening the sense of responsibility of the media, absorbing and drawing on the advantages of rational thinking of literary criticism, and constantly enriching and perfecting itself.
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