发布时间:2018-11-21 09:49
【摘要】:文学翻译中译者的审美过程是一个值得我们研究的课题,但是到目前为止, 对译者审美的整个动态过程进行研究的成果并不多。本文拟综合运和语言学、文 艺学、美学、心理学等学科的知识来研究译者的审美过程,力图揭示其中的一些 规律和特点。 本文共分四章。第一章在系统回顾了译者审美过程研究的历史与现状之后, 构建了一个由审美认知子过程、审美整合子过程、审美再现子过程三个子过程构 成的审美过程模式。第二章,审美认知子过程。这是一个要认知文学文木的审美 结构的过程。在本章中,笔者主要运用了童庆炳先生提出的文学文本审美结构理 论,指出了译者在审美认知子过程中面临的主要任务。同时还对审美认知子过程 的基本流程,审美认知子过程的基本特征等问题进行了研究。第三章,审美整合 子过程。这是一个对审美认知子过程中获得的原文的审美信息进行系统整合的过 程,它在译者的整个审美过程中起承上启下的作用。笔者运用了心理学的研究成 果,分别闸述了审美整合子过程存在的可能性,与审美认知子过程及审美再现子 过程的关系等问题。第四章,审美再现子过程。在这一子过程中译者要尽最大可 能将原作的艺术美展现给译文读者。笔者研究了影响审美再现子过程的三个因 素、审美再现的基本过程、审美再现子过程的基本特征,并重点探讨了译者再创 造的“度”的问题。 结论部分指出了研究译者的审美过程对文学翻译实践、翻译学的学科建设等 方面的重要意义,并指出了本文的不足之处。
[Abstract]:The aesthetic process of the translator in literary translation is a subject worthy of our study, but so far, there are few achievements in the study of the whole dynamic process of the translator's aesthetic appreciation. This paper attempts to study the translator's aesthetic process by integrating the knowledge of operation and linguistics, literature and art, aesthetics, psychology and so on, and tries to reveal some of its laws and characteristics. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter systematically reviews the history and present situation of the study of the translator's aesthetic process, and constructs a sub-process of aesthetic cognition and a sub-process of aesthetic integration. The aesthetic process model constructed by three sub-processes of aesthetic reproduction. The second chapter is the sub-process of aesthetic cognition. This is a process of understanding the aesthetic structure of literature. In this chapter, the author mainly applies Tong Qingbing's theory of aesthetic structure of literary texts and points out the main tasks that translators face in the process of aesthetic cognition. At the same time, the basic process of aesthetic cognitive sub-process and the basic characteristics of aesthetic cognitive sub-process are studied. The third chapter, aesthetic integration sub-process. This is a systematic integration of the aesthetic information of the original text obtained in the process of aesthetic cognition, which plays an important role in the whole aesthetic process of the translator. The author makes use of the research of psychology to study the possibility of the process of aesthetic integration and the relationship between the process of aesthetic cognition and the sub-process of aesthetic reappearance. The fourth chapter, aesthetic reproduction sub-process. In this process, the translator should try his best to show the artistic beauty of the original to the target readers. The author studies the three factors that affect the sub-process of aesthetic reappearance, the basic process of aesthetic reappearance, and the basic characteristics of sub-process of aesthetic reappearance. The author also focuses on the problem of the degree of creation by the translator. The conclusion points out the significance of studying the translator's aesthetic process to the practice of literary translation and the discipline construction of translatology, and points out the shortcomings of this thesis.
[Abstract]:The aesthetic process of the translator in literary translation is a subject worthy of our study, but so far, there are few achievements in the study of the whole dynamic process of the translator's aesthetic appreciation. This paper attempts to study the translator's aesthetic process by integrating the knowledge of operation and linguistics, literature and art, aesthetics, psychology and so on, and tries to reveal some of its laws and characteristics. This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter systematically reviews the history and present situation of the study of the translator's aesthetic process, and constructs a sub-process of aesthetic cognition and a sub-process of aesthetic integration. The aesthetic process model constructed by three sub-processes of aesthetic reproduction. The second chapter is the sub-process of aesthetic cognition. This is a process of understanding the aesthetic structure of literature. In this chapter, the author mainly applies Tong Qingbing's theory of aesthetic structure of literary texts and points out the main tasks that translators face in the process of aesthetic cognition. At the same time, the basic process of aesthetic cognitive sub-process and the basic characteristics of aesthetic cognitive sub-process are studied. The third chapter, aesthetic integration sub-process. This is a systematic integration of the aesthetic information of the original text obtained in the process of aesthetic cognition, which plays an important role in the whole aesthetic process of the translator. The author makes use of the research of psychology to study the possibility of the process of aesthetic integration and the relationship between the process of aesthetic cognition and the sub-process of aesthetic reappearance. The fourth chapter, aesthetic reproduction sub-process. In this process, the translator should try his best to show the artistic beauty of the original to the target readers. The author studies the three factors that affect the sub-process of aesthetic reappearance, the basic process of aesthetic reappearance, and the basic characteristics of sub-process of aesthetic reappearance. The author also focuses on the problem of the degree of creation by the translator. The conclusion points out the significance of studying the translator's aesthetic process to the practice of literary translation and the discipline construction of translatology, and points out the shortcomings of this thesis.
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