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发布时间:2018-11-28 19:12
【摘要】:胡适是中国诗歌翻译史上的先驱,其“开风气之先”的白话译诗为“白话入诗”开辟了道路,在中国文学史和翻译史上立下了不朽丰碑。纵观胡适译诗风格,1918年前为古体文言译诗,1918年后为自由体白话译诗。译诗风格的独特性还体现在主题、叙述模式、标点符号几方面。前后两阶段的风格不一的译诗为本论文研究提供了弥足珍贵的史料。 本文首先阐述诗学在文学领域里的概念,为描述译诗的风格准备合理的理论框架。接着文章讨论诗学在翻译研究领域的运用,包括前捷克斯洛伐克学者规约性的(prescriptive)学术观点和勒菲弗尔改写理论的诗学操控观。基于胡适译诗的个案,本文对翻译研究中诗学理论进行了进一步思考,即译作总是顺应成熟的译入语诗学,但当译入语诗学转型、成熟的诗学标准缺失时,译作主要起助建新诗学的作用,翻译策略也因此而异。 文章的重点在于对胡适译诗风格、风格转型的描述,及转型诱因的探究。胡适在译诗的第一阶段使译诗主题、语体、叙述模式、标点符号都与译入语诗学相吻合,清晰体现了成熟的译入语诗学对译者的操控。在第二阶段,胡适一改往日译诗风格,在主题、语体、叙述模式、标点符号上采取了截然不一的翻译策略。研究发现,第二阶段译诗不是为了顺应译入语并未成熟的诗学规范,而是助建了译入语现代诗学。胡适译诗风格转型之际,译入语诗学也开始由传统向现代嬗变,显然译诗风格的转型受制于译入语诗学特征及转变。 本文最后得出,胡适译诗的风格,在主题、语体、叙述模式、标点符号几方面特征显著,第一阶段在以上几方面顺应译入语诗学;第二阶段译入语诗学发生转型时,译作主要起促进新诗学建构的作用,译诗风格也相应发生根本性的变革。
[Abstract]:Hu Shi is a pioneer in the history of translation of Chinese poetry. His vernacular translation of poetry has opened the way for vernacular poetry and established an immortal monument in the history of Chinese literature and translation. Throughout Hu Shi's style of translation, classical Chinese was translated before 1918, and free vernacular poetry was translated after 1918. The uniqueness of the translation style is also reflected in the themes, narrative models and punctuation marks. The translation of poems in different styles provides valuable historical data for the study of this thesis. This paper first describes the concept of poetics in the field of literature and provides a reasonable theoretical framework for describing the style of poetry translation. Then the paper discusses the application of poetics in the field of translation studies, including the pre-Czechoslovak scholars' prescriptive (prescriptive) academic viewpoint and Lefevere's theory of poetic manipulation. Based on Hu Shi's case of poetry translation, this paper makes a further study of the poetics theory in translation studies, that is, the translation is always in accordance with the mature target poetics, but when the translation poetics is transformed and the mature poetics standard is missing. Translation plays an important role in the construction of new poetics, and translation strategies are different. This paper focuses on the description of Hu Shi's translation style, style transformation, and the causes of the transformation. In the first stage of poetry translation, Hu Shi makes the theme, style, narrative mode and punctuation of the translated poem coincide with the poetics of the target language, which clearly reflects the manipulation of the translator by the mature poetics of the target language. In the second stage, Hu Shi changed the style of poetry translation and adopted different translation strategies in terms of theme, style, narrative mode and punctuation. It is found that the second stage of poetry translation is not to conform to the immature poetic norms of the target language, but to help build the modern poetics of the target language. At the time of the transformation of Hu Shi's translation poetic style, the translation poetics began to change from the traditional to the modern. Obviously, the transformation of the translation poetic style was restricted by the characteristics and changes of the translation poetics. Finally, the author concludes that the style of Hu Shi's translation is remarkable in the aspects of theme, style, narrative mode and punctuation, and the first stage conforms to the target poetics in the above aspects. In the second stage, the translation plays an important role in promoting the construction of the new poetics, and the style of the translated poem has also undergone a fundamental change.


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