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发布时间:2018-12-15 18:18
【摘要】:二十世纪六十年代一股新的文学理论思潮产生于联邦德国,就是以读者中心论为主要观点的“康斯坦茨学派”,这一学派的主要代表人物是汉斯·罗伯特·姚斯和沃尔夫冈·伊瑟尔,姚斯的理论观点主要是读者接受理论,伊瑟尔的理论观点主要是审美效应理论,这两大理论是接受美学的中心观点。我国魏晋南北朝时期的文论家刘勰在其文论名著《文心雕龙》的第四十八篇《知音》中就有关于理想观文者的系统论述,从知音难遇开始,到分析知音难遇的原因,以及怎样才能对于文学作品有更深层次的了解和分析文学作品优劣的方法,在他的《文心雕龙·知音》篇中都有详细的论述。 西方的接受美学和中国古代刘勰的观文者接受理论,虽然产生于不同国度的不同时期,但是仍有其相通之处,本论文通过三章来分别对此加以阐述: 第一章:主要是从观文者的素养与文本接受之间的关系展开的,分为三个层次,系统的论述了观文者的层次与理想的观文者、观文者的素养与文学鉴赏以及期待视野对观文者披文的影响。也就是说在姚斯和刘勰的文论思想中,观文者不是一般的观文者,而是层次比较高的观文者,就是刘勰所说的知音,所以我们在研究这两种理论时,首先就应该将读者分为不同的层次,这样才能更好的理解文论家的思想。 第二章:主要论述了观文者和缀文者的交流,分为三个层次,主要从观文者披文与审美愉悦、缀文者与披文者的入情和观文者对于文本的理解与升华这三个方面来展开论述的。分析了“缀文者情动而辞发”与“观文者披文以入情”这两种不同的方向的感情交流,这两种感情的交流都是通过文本作为中介来实现的。 第三章:主要论述了观文者的阅读对于缀文者创作的影响,分为两个层次,观文者的阅读对于题材和内容的影响以及对于体裁和形式的影响来展开的,这一部分系统的分析了缀文者的创作怎样受到观文者喜好和兴趣的影响,以及缀文者积极的去适应,达到与读者的喜好相适应。通过这三个部分的系统论述来实现接受美学的中西交流。 最后结语部分主要是简单阐述,中西方前人的接受美学的思想和理论对于我们后人的指导意义,以及将中西方的文论有机的结合起来,对于整个文化的全球化具有重要的意义。
[Abstract]:In the 1960s, a new trend of thought in literary theory came into being in the Federal Republic of Germany, that is, the "Constance School" with the reader-centered view as the main point of view. The main representatives of this school are Hans Robert Yao and Wolfgang Iser. Yao's theory is mainly reader acceptance theory, and Iser's theory is mainly aesthetic effect theory. These two theories are the central point of reception aesthetics. Liu Xie, a literary commentator in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, had a systematic discussion on the ideal writer in his famous literary theory, Wen Xin Diao long, article 48, from the beginning to the analysis of the reason why it is difficult to meet. And how to have a deeper understanding of literary works and how to analyze the merits and demerits of literary works are discussed in detail in his "Wen Xin Diao long confidant". Western reception aesthetics and Liu Xie's reception theory in ancient China, although born in different periods in different countries, still have their similarities. This thesis elaborates this through three chapters: the first chapter: mainly from the view of the literati's accomplishment and the text acceptance relations unfolds, divides into three levels, has discussed the literary viewer's level and the ideal literary viewer systematically. The Literary appreciation and the influence of expectation Vision on the Literary Viewers'Beatles. That is to say, in Yao Si's and Liu Xie's literary theory thoughts, the literary viewer is not the ordinary literary viewer, but the higher-level literary viewer, which is Liu Xie's idea of knowing the sound. Therefore, when we study these two theories, First of all, readers should be divided into different levels, so as to better understand the ideas of literary theorists. The second chapter mainly discusses the communication between the reader and the writer, which is divided into three levels, mainly from the three aspects of the writer's style and aesthetic pleasure, the emotion of the writer and the drape, and the understanding and sublimation of the text. This paper analyzes the two kinds of emotional communication in different directions, namely, the emotion of the dropper and the emotion of the writer's Beatles. These two kinds of emotional exchanges are realized through the text as an intermediary. The third chapter mainly discusses the influence of the reader's reading on the writer's creation, which can be divided into two levels: the influence of the reader's reading on the subject matter and the content, and the influence on the genre and form. This part systematically analyzes how the writer's creation is influenced by the writer's preferences and interests, and how the droppers can adapt to the readers' preferences. Through the three parts of the systematic discussion to achieve the acceptance of aesthetics between Chinese and Western exchanges. The last part of the conclusion is mainly a brief elaboration, the Chinese and western predecessors' thought and theory of reception aesthetics have important significance to the globalization of the whole culture, as well as the organic combination of the Chinese and western literary theories to our posterity.


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