[Abstract]:Maslow is a representative of the third ideological trend. The rich content of his works is closely related to the thought and life of contemporary people. The influence of his humanism has greatly exceeded the field of psychology, especially the theory of "peak experience", which has very important enlightenment for us to understand the special psychological mechanism in artistic creation and appreciation. All kinds of indications show that the peak experience can only appear in the creation of classical artists and the appreciation of classical texts. However, it does not mean that the value of the peak experience is illusory and inaccessible, because it has to go through a process. This paper intends to make a dynamic description and static analysis of peak experience, make a relatively full display of its psychological mechanism in artistic creation and appreciation, and construct a two-way relationship between art and peak experience (person). The full text is divided into four parts: (1) what is the peak experience. To correct the paradox in Maslow's definition, to highlight the significance of the "peak experience" theory from the point of view of existence, acquired and transcendent. By analyzing its characteristics and dynamic mechanism, it is concluded that peak experience is not only the highest realm of human nature, but also has the nature of aesthetic activity at the highest level. (2) the peak experience in artistic creation. Starting from the perception of the peak experience of the outstanding artists, this paper analyzes the psychological mechanism of the peak experience in the process of artistic creation, the different forms of realization and the transcendence, the overtime and the nature of the superego. The peak experience has the new qualitative characteristic of transcending the unconsciousness and consciousness, and also shows its dual character. As a metaphysical comfort, this kind of experience rarely comes to people, but people can realize the existence of this realm. Therefore, in the realistic artistic creation, the peak experience always becomes a kind of pursuit consciousness, which inspires people to pursue skill proficiency, the freedom of mind, the perfection of personality and the liberation of soul. (3) the other side of freedom in art appreciation. First, it analyzes the realistic mechanism of the peak experience in appreciation: implicit motivation, psychological process, psychological effect and reflective characteristics; Then it analyzes that peak experience, as an aesthetic ideal, makes people live again in the pursuit of thinking and spirit, which is in fact the sublime of "pure spirit"; finally, it analyzes the effect of peak experience in appreciation on the construction of art texts. (4) the artistic life meaning of "peak experience". In the final analysis, the theory of "peak experience" explores the human problem, and the realization of the perfection of life is the core of the human problem. The significance of the peak experience in art is not only to immerse people in the ivory tower in the beautiful aesthetic experience, And the key is how we bring the artistic temperament back to reality. This part discusses that the nature of life needs poetic existence and free creation means the extension and transcendence of the body of life. The peak experience in art not only gives full play to the vitality of human beings, but also makes life have the characteristic of poetic existence. It is still beyond vulgarity.
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