发布时间:2019-01-04 10:10
【摘要】:在中国现代文学史上,张爱玲是一位具有独特艺术风格的优秀作家。同时,她在翻译领域也有突出的成就。其中,对清末狭邪小说《海上花列传》的翻译是张爱玲对中国文学走向世界所作出的最为卓越的贡献。但她出色的翻译才华一直被其文学成就所掩盖,不为人所熟知。 本文着重对张爱玲《海上花列传》英译本中的杂合现象进行全景式的研究,,通过案例分析的方法对译例从语言、文化和文化杂合三方面进行分析,管窥张爱玲在翻译领域的艺术成就,突显出她作为双语作家兼翻译家所具备的非凡双语才能和翻译才华,以及她自由游走于两种文化间的从容。另外,在后殖民翻译研究语境下,张爱玲英译的《海上花列传》,作为一个典型的杂合译本,突出了汉语和英语的语言文化特点,彰显了中西方的文化差异,同时也为中国文化和文学走向世界作出了重要的贡献。通过以上研究,得出结论:张爱玲是一位出色的文学翻译家;在《海上花列传》翻译的过程中,她采用了归化与异化相结合的方法来处理两种语言、文化和文学因素,从而达到一种“杂合”状态,利于文化间的交流。最后,本文从翻译角度研究张爱玲,以期为张爱玲全面研究作出有益的补充。
[Abstract]:Zhang Ailing is an excellent writer with unique artistic style in the history of modern Chinese literature. At the same time, she also has outstanding achievements in the field of translation. Among them, the translation of the novel "Biography of Flowers at Sea" in the late Qing Dynasty is Zhang Ailing's most outstanding contribution to the world of Chinese literature. But her outstanding translation talent has been obscured by her literary achievements. This paper focuses on the study of heterozygosity in the English translation of Zhang Ailing's "Flower at Sea", and analyzes the translation examples from three aspects: language, culture and cultural hybridity by case study. A glimpse of Zhang Ailing's artistic achievements in the field of translation highlights her extraordinary bilingual talent and talent as a bilingual writer and translator, as well as her freedom to travel between the two cultures. In addition, in the context of post-colonial translation studies, Zhang Ailing's Translation of Flowers at Sea, as a typical hybrid translation, highlights the linguistic and cultural characteristics of Chinese and English, and highlights the cultural differences between China and the West. At the same time, the Chinese culture and literature to the world has made important contributions. Through the above research, we can draw a conclusion: Zhang Ailing is an outstanding literary translator; In the process of translation of Flower at Sea, she adopted the method of combining domestication and alienation to deal with the factors of two languages, culture and literature, so as to achieve a state of "hybridity" and facilitate the communication between cultures. Finally, this paper studies Zhang Ailing from the perspective of translation, in order to provide a useful supplement to the overall study of Zhang Ailing.
[Abstract]:Zhang Ailing is an excellent writer with unique artistic style in the history of modern Chinese literature. At the same time, she also has outstanding achievements in the field of translation. Among them, the translation of the novel "Biography of Flowers at Sea" in the late Qing Dynasty is Zhang Ailing's most outstanding contribution to the world of Chinese literature. But her outstanding translation talent has been obscured by her literary achievements. This paper focuses on the study of heterozygosity in the English translation of Zhang Ailing's "Flower at Sea", and analyzes the translation examples from three aspects: language, culture and cultural hybridity by case study. A glimpse of Zhang Ailing's artistic achievements in the field of translation highlights her extraordinary bilingual talent and talent as a bilingual writer and translator, as well as her freedom to travel between the two cultures. In addition, in the context of post-colonial translation studies, Zhang Ailing's Translation of Flowers at Sea, as a typical hybrid translation, highlights the linguistic and cultural characteristics of Chinese and English, and highlights the cultural differences between China and the West. At the same time, the Chinese culture and literature to the world has made important contributions. Through the above research, we can draw a conclusion: Zhang Ailing is an outstanding literary translator; In the process of translation of Flower at Sea, she adopted the method of combining domestication and alienation to deal with the factors of two languages, culture and literature, so as to achieve a state of "hybridity" and facilitate the communication between cultures. Finally, this paper studies Zhang Ailing from the perspective of translation, in order to provide a useful supplement to the overall study of Zhang Ailing.
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