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发布时间:2019-01-06 07:35
[Abstract]:Xu Yuanchong is one of the outstanding translators in China. As a pioneer in the translation of Chinese literature, he is also a pioneer and practitioner of Chinese culture. Therefore, under the background of Chinese culture going out, this study has positive practical significance. Xu Yuanchong's translation theory is mainly formed on the basis of a large number of translation practices of traditional Chinese poetry. He summed up a large number of Chinese traditional poetry translation practice as "beautification of the art, like competition to create excellence." This paper is divided into five parts, the research content is Xu Yuanchong's translation thought and Xu Yuanchong's literary translation works. First of all, the introduction, mainly based on the current situation of Xu Yuanchong research, through an overview and in-depth research, the significance and value of Xu Yuanchong research. The second part is the introduction of Xu Yuanchong's life and Xu Yuanchong's translation results. The third part is the analysis of Xu Yuanchong's literary works. Taking Xu Yuanchong's most representative literary translation works as an example, and taking the ontology, methodology and Skopos theory in Xu Yuanchong's translation thought as the guiding ideology, this paper probes into the embodiment of the art of beautification in his translation practice. The fourth part is a study of Xu Yuanchong's competitive advantage theory and its role in promoting Chinese culture. The last part is the conclusion, which confirms the great contribution made by the translator Xu Yuanchong in spreading Chinese culture and promoting Chinese culture to go out. Most of Xu Yuanchong's literary translation works are concentrated on Chinese traditional classical poetry. At the same time, his unique literary translation theory has strong foresight and innovation, and to some extent breaks through many limitations of traditional translation theory. This will greatly promote the development of translation theory in the future. Therefore, it is valuable to study Xu Yuanchong's literary translation theory. Based on the study of Xu Yuanchong's literary translation theory, the author hopes to contribute to the study of literary translation and Xu Yuanchong.


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