[Abstract]:As far as aesthetics is concerned, Man and Lenin have important differences. Marne's aesthetic thought is very rich and wonderful, the core of which is realism, that is to say, describing reality truthfully and creating typical character in typical environment. From Man to Lenin, with the development of history and the changes of the situation, aesthetics (literary and artistic thought) has also undergone important changes. Lenin's emphasis is no longer on the realism emphasized by Man at that time, writing the truth, and creating the typical character in the typical environment. It is the "principle of the Party's literature", that is, the "gear and screw" of the revolutionary machine (the whole revolutionary cause of the Party) that the literary cause should become. Lenin's aesthetics can be called political party aesthetics. In terms of literary and artistic thought, Mao Zedong was a true student of Lenin and a second disciple of Lenin (through Qu Qiubai). Mao Zedong creatively developed Lenin. Mao Zedong's most representative Aesthetics (Literary and artistic thought), first and foremost, "speech at the Yenan Forum on Literature and Art", I regard it as a Chinese version of Lenin's basic thought of "Party Organization and Party Literature"; Mao Zedong's most important development to Lenin was to highlight the position of the Communist Party's rulers and those in power, to add power to aesthetics, and to make Lenin's aesthetics of "party politics" (literary and artistic thought). Became Mao Zedong's "power politics" aesthetics (literary thought).
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院文学研究所;
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