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发布时间:2019-02-21 20:59
【摘要】:语用学是语言学领域中一个新的分支。因为这一学科所研究的是实际使用中的语言以及语言与语言使用者之间的关系,所以它已跨越出传统的语言学理论框架,开始对语言进行动态的,同时也是更有实际价值的研究。 本文从语用学的观点对小说的翻译进行了探索。先简要介绍了语用学与翻译之间的关系,从而说明了语用学理论在翻译研究中的作用,然后通过分析小说翻译的现状,剖析了语用学和小说翻译的必然联系,指出语用学理论可以很好地指导小说翻译。第二章和第三章,本文尝试运用语用学中的语境理论和合作原则对翻译原文进行理解和领会,,在第四章里则从再现原文作者意图的观点入手,着重介绍了通过一系列翻译技巧的使用最终重现原文作者的意图,使译文的读者获得与原文读者同等的理解和感受。
[Abstract]:Pragmatics is a new branch of linguistics. Because this discipline is concerned with the actual language in use and the relationship between language and language users, it has gone beyond the traditional theoretical framework of linguistics and started to make a dynamic approach to language. At the same time is also a more practical value of research. This paper explores the translation of novels from the perspective of pragmatics. This paper first briefly introduces the relationship between pragmatics and translation, then explains the role of pragmatics in translation studies, and then analyzes the inevitable relationship between pragmatics and novel translation by analyzing the present situation of novel translation. It is pointed out that pragmatic theory can well guide novel translation. In chapter two and chapter three, the author tries to understand and comprehend the original text by using the contextual theory and cooperative principles of pragmatics. In chapter four, the author attempts to reproduce the author's intention. This paper mainly introduces the intention of the original author to be reproduced through the use of a series of translation techniques, so that the readers of the target text can get the same understanding and feelings as the original readers.


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