[Abstract]:The view of nature and the universe determine the spirit of art. From the ignorant ancient and traditional agricultural times to the Enlightenment period, the past natural, pastoral mood of happy days was shrouded in a kind of mechanical, fatalistic melancholy; the primitive view of nature slipped into fatalistic determinism. Similarly, we can also find in art the growth and decline of the power between natural organic magnanimity and mechanical manipulation. According to the latest research in astronomy, economics and psychology, the author suggests that the main melody of the world is not scarce, endangered, but rich and prosperous, and under this view of nature, the author ponders the development strategy of the art of the future. The author thinks that the tradition of "strange magnet" is still extensive, and the art field is carrying on a revival of the traditional form, genre and purpose, and turning to the neo-classical movement which pays attention to the skill again. While pointing out the shortcomings of narcissism complex and casual feelings in contemporary mainstream art, the author thinks that art in the real sense must have substance, which can enlighten people both in cognition and in emotion. What the "content" of art shows is the meaning of the work, the artist's idea, cognition and dream. It should have the character of the times, embody the virtue and flaw of the times, and record the track of its development. Therefore, the mission of the neoclassicism movement is to rediscover the tools, excavate the novel themes of the times, and create a new cause.
【作者单位】: 德克萨斯州立大学人文艺术学院;
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