发布时间:2019-04-28 13:56
【摘要】: 意境是中华民族独特的艺术审美范畴。它主要是从诗歌创作中提炼出来的,它的哲学基础可以追溯到先秦时期庄子的游心哲学。意境这个概念首次出现在唐代王昌龄的《诗格》中,而司空图“象外说”的提出,则标志着意境理论在唐代的渐趋成熟。自宋以来,特别是明清以来,“情景交融”似乎成了意境的代名词,广为流传。 典型源自于古希腊时期苏格拉底提出的创造“美的形象”这一问题,柏拉图是最早在艺术领域使用“典型”这一术语的人,,初步用辩证的观点去总结古希腊文学创作的经验,比较系统地提出和论述典型问题的则是亚里斯多德。德国古典美学丰富和发展了典型理论,而马克思主义学说则将典型理论提升到前所未有的高度,实现了典型理论的重大飞跃。 意境与典型这一对范畴,富有全人类的意义。它们遵循共同的创作规律,即通过艺术形象反映现实生活;通过局部反映全体,通过个别反映一般,通过有限反映无限。就意境来说,就是通过虚实相生的办法,化情思为景物,以极少的物质媒介传达尽量多的精神意蕴,即“象外之象”、“景外之景”、“味外之旨”、“韵外之致”等。就典型来说,就是“借一个人写出一切挑水的人”,“用最小的面积惊人地集中了最大量的思想”。 然而,由于意境与典型分别产生于不同的民族土壤之中,因此它们又表现出明显的差异,从而各自具有独特的艺术魅力。本文从四个方面作了较为详尽的论述。 1、意境与典型的真实性。意境强调艺术家情感的真诚以及描写对象与人的情感相符合的“合情之真”。典型更要求作品真实地描写现实关系,反映社会生活中某些本质和规律性的东西,“真实地再现典型环境中的典型人 厂谨匡室飞 硕士学住论文 V沉示y “ST队’S卫-正SIS 物”。 2、意境与典型的主客统一性。意境的主客统一性偏向主观的一极,使 自然成为意似神似的心造营构之象。而典型则偏向客观的一极,主张艺术家 的倾向应当从场面中自然而然地流露出来,努力做到倾向性与真实性的统 3、意境与典型的整体性。意境的整体性主要表现为意味与境象的多层 次交融统一。它是由作者与读者共同创构的虚实相生、层递呈现的三层结构 体。而典型的整体性着重表现在客观方面的普遍性与特殊性、丰富性与特征 性、独特性与深刻性的统一。 4、意境与典型的创造性。创造意境的目的是为了抒情,创造方法主要 是虚实相生。创造典型主要是为了显示真相,揭示真理,而创造典型的方法 就是典型化。 本文还进一步从地理、历史、政治、经济、文化、哲学等角度初步探讨 了产生诸种差异的根源,认为中国古代历史文化具有统一性、闭合性、稳定 性、内向性等特点,所有这一切就诀定了中国古代艺术特别突出艺术的主体 性和情感性的特点。而庄子游心哲学的美学实现,便是意境论的诞生。而西 方古代文化的多元性、开放性、变异性、动态性、外向性,综合地决定了西 方艺术本质论特别强调艺术对客体的摹仿、再现,典型理论应运而生。 笔者认为,在当今全球化的语境中,意境与典型的独立互补、相契相融, 也许正代表着世界文学的未来。
[Abstract]:The artistic conception is the unique artistic aesthetic category of the Chinese nation. It is mainly derived from the creation of poetry, and its philosophical foundation can be traced back to the philosophy of the philosophy of Zhuangzi in the pre-Qin period. The concept of artistic conception was first appeared in the "Poetic" of Wang Changling in the Tang Dynasty, and the proposition of "the outer theory of the division", which marked the gradual maturity of the theory of artistic conception in the Tang Dynasty. Since the Song Dynasty, especially since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the "to blend with one another" appeared to be the pronoun of the artistic conception and spread widely. The problem, which is typical of the creation of the beauty of the beauty of Socrates in the period of ancient Greece, is the first person to use the term "typical" in the field of art, and to sum up the ancient times with a dialectical point of view. The experience of Greek literary creation and the systematic introduction and discussion of typical questions The problem is Aristotle. The classical aesthetics of Germany is rich and develops a typical theory, while the Marxist theory raises the typical theory to an unprecedented level. A great leap in the typical theory. The artistic conception and the typical category are of the meaning of all mankind. They follow the common law of creation, that is, through the artistic image to reflect the real life, and through the local reflection of the whole The body, through the individual reflection of the general, through the limited reflection of the infinite. In the case of the artistic conception, it is through the method of the deficiency of the real and the real, the emotion is the scene, and the little substance media to convey as many spiritual implication as possible, that is, the "image of an image", the "the view of the outside world", the "the purpose of the taste", the "trunk" out -of-the-art" 绛
[Abstract]:The artistic conception is the unique artistic aesthetic category of the Chinese nation. It is mainly derived from the creation of poetry, and its philosophical foundation can be traced back to the philosophy of the philosophy of Zhuangzi in the pre-Qin period. The concept of artistic conception was first appeared in the "Poetic" of Wang Changling in the Tang Dynasty, and the proposition of "the outer theory of the division", which marked the gradual maturity of the theory of artistic conception in the Tang Dynasty. Since the Song Dynasty, especially since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the "to blend with one another" appeared to be the pronoun of the artistic conception and spread widely. The problem, which is typical of the creation of the beauty of the beauty of Socrates in the period of ancient Greece, is the first person to use the term "typical" in the field of art, and to sum up the ancient times with a dialectical point of view. The experience of Greek literary creation and the systematic introduction and discussion of typical questions The problem is Aristotle. The classical aesthetics of Germany is rich and develops a typical theory, while the Marxist theory raises the typical theory to an unprecedented level. A great leap in the typical theory. The artistic conception and the typical category are of the meaning of all mankind. They follow the common law of creation, that is, through the artistic image to reflect the real life, and through the local reflection of the whole The body, through the individual reflection of the general, through the limited reflection of the infinite. In the case of the artistic conception, it is through the method of the deficiency of the real and the real, the emotion is the scene, and the little substance media to convey as many spiritual implication as possible, that is, the "image of an image", the "the view of the outside world", the "the purpose of the taste", the "trunk" out -of-the-art" 绛