[Abstract]:The western poetics, which originated from Plato and Aristotle, attaches importance to the role of literature imitating the external real world, and pays attention to the independence of literary texts, while dispelling and neglecting the unique position of the creative subject. The Chinese theorists take the proposition of "poetry and ambition" as the "mountain opening program" of Chinese poetics, pay attention to the integration and dependence between the creative subject and the work, and emphasize the mutual induction between "heart" and "thing", "emotion" and "thing". It is considered that the study of the subject is an effective way to enter the text smoothly and understand the text accurately. From the cross-cultural perspective of comparative literature, we can treat this debate with a detached mentality when we look at the theory of "the death of the author" from the perspective of the cross-cultural perspective of comparative literature. This paper discusses the proposition of "the death of the author" from this perspective.
【作者单位】: 安徽池州学院中文系;
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