发布时间:2019-06-13 13:19
【摘要】: 知识分子理论是内涵丰富而又复杂多变的一个研究领域,它涵盖多个学科领域,在纵向上又往往结合不同的历史文化语境,以动态的方式存在并显现着。本文以爱德华·萨伊德的知识分子理论为个案,在探讨知识分子的定义、特征和代表性之后,紧扣知识分子如何行动这一中心问题,,深入剖析萨伊德在当下语境中所提出的“流亡”与“业余性”两种介入方式,指出其独特的理论价值和对我们的启发作用。以此深化知识分子领域的理论研究。 本文分为六个部分。 “引言”介绍知识分子一般和特殊的概念,简述对这一问题的国内外研究现状,并逐渐将讨论转移到萨伊德知识分子理论上面。 正文第一部分:梳理萨伊德的知识分子定义,指出其主要特征并阐述知识分子的代表性问题。知识分子是有能力向(to)公众、为(for)公众表明信息、观点、哲学或意见的个人,独立性是其重要方面;他/她坚持价值的普遍性,反对狭隘的利益领域;具备批评和反抗精神,促成对社会问题进行探求和讨论;参与而非逃避政治,立足于公共空间,积极介入社会现实;代表着通常被遗忘或弃置不顾的底层人们的利益;重视社会大众的力量。 第二部分:“流亡”是萨伊德设计的知识分子介入社会现实的第一种方式。这也是他的知识分子思想中很有创见的部分。它包含身体流亡和精神流亡两个层面,前者源于作为刑罚的流放,属于迁徙不断的社会史和政治史;精神流亡则更加重要,是萨伊德结合自己特殊的文化身份,在分析斯威夫特、奈保尔,特别是哲学家阿多诺的过程中提出来的。知识分子流亡意味着他既非与新环境完全合一,也非与旧环境完全分离,而是“身兼流亡和移居两种性质”。这样就可以拥有双重视角和超越性视野,取得世界主义和流动性的优势,不再局限于狭隘的领域和局部的经验。同时定居的一面又使知识分子不轻易脱离具体情境,思想因此可以拥有源头活水并能落到实处。 第三部分:重点分析“业余”知识分子思想。这是萨伊德所设计的第二种介入方式。当下专业化的社会语境使知识分子面临三重压力:一、专业化不利于人格培养,导致知识分子在教育体系中位置越高,就越受限于狭隘的知识领域。二、在公共领域方面,崇拜专业知识和专家,削弱了探求不同可能性的理论研究,威胁到了公共空间的自由和民主。三、利益因素逐渐瓦解知识分子的独立性。他们不得不受制于他们所属的机构,容易放弃社会责任而沦为权力机制和商业运作的产物。面对专业化围困,必须用业余性加以对抗:坚持知识分子独立性,以自己的原则行事,不服从专业态度;关注公共空间,在更广阔的领域中进行文化批判,并联系社会运动;以更普遍的关怀,传达出不同的价值,来修正专业化的做法。 第四部分:对萨伊德知识分子思想做出总体评价,指出其理论意义和对中国知识分子的启发性。坚持思想独立和文化批判具有现实意义;流亡学说具备突出的理论价值,使知识分子最大限度地避开自身所处的语境限制,获得高度的客观性和批评自由;业余性也极具批评活力,能使知识分子跨越自己狭隘的职业生涯,建立一套更普遍、更理性的原则,将知识分子置于理性化与专业化无法压抑的文化逻辑之中;合理地肯定大众力量,是萨伊德知识分子论中的一个亮点。他启示我们,直面社会并勇于发言,不放弃在特定历史语境中的责任心;批判和对抗的同时也讲求行动的策略;萨伊德的知识分子思想也存在一定的局限性。 结语:知识分子理论是个极其复杂、难以把握的研究领域。而且社会真实远比理论描述复杂得多,萨伊德把一系列问题留给自己也同时留给我们继续思索。
[Abstract]:The theory of intellectuals is a field of research that is rich in connotation and complex and changeable. It covers a number of subject areas, and in the longitudinal direction, it is often combined with different historical and cultural contexts and exists in a dynamic way. In this paper, in the case of the intellectual theory of Edward Sayed, after the definition, characteristics and representativeness of the intellectuals are discussed, the central question of how the intellectuals act is to be fastened, and the two ways of intervention of the "exiled" and the "Amateur" put forward in the present context are analyzed. It points out its unique theoretical value and its inspiration to us. So as to deepen the theoretical research of the intellectual field. This paper is divided into six parts. The "Introduction" introduces the general and special concepts of the intellectuals, and gives a brief description of the present situation of the domestic and foreign research on this problem. The first part of the text: the first part of the text: the first part of the first part of the text. The definition of the intellectual, pointing out its main features and the representation of the intellectuals, is the ability of the intelligentsia to present to the public, for the public, information, views, philosophies or opinions, and that independence is an important aspect of it; he/ She insisted on the universality of value, opposed the narrow range of interests, had the spirit of criticism and resistance, and contributed to the search and discussion of social issues; the participation and the non-escape of politics, on the public space, and the active involvement of the social reality; and The interests of the underlying people that are often forgotten or abandoned; the strength of the mass of society. Part two: "exiled" trunk> is a Saeed The design of the intellectual is the first way to intervene in the social reality. It is also part of his intellectual thought. It contains two levels of physical exoduses and spiritual exoduses. The former is from exile as a penalty, and is of constant social history and politics. A history; spiritual exile is more important. It is the combination of Saeed. In his own special cultural identity, in the course of the analysis of Swift, Naipaul, and in particular the philosopher, Adorino, the exoduses of the intellectuals means that he is not completely integrated with the new environment, nor is it completely separate from the old environment, but the "trunk" In this way, you can have a double From a view of view and beyond, the advantages of cosmopolitanism and liquidity are no longer limited to narrow areas and local experience. On one side of the settlement, the intellectuals are not easily separated from the specific situation, and the thought can therefore have the source of living water and fall To the real place. Part three. This is the second mode of intervention designed by Saeed. The current specialization of the social context makes the intellectuals The higher the position of the intellectual in the education system, the more limited the narrow area of knowledge. in that public sphere, The theoretical study of the different possibilities is weakened, and the freedom and democracy of the public space are threatened. The independence of the intellectuals. They have to be subject to the institutions they belong to, and it is easy to give up the social responsibility and become the product of the power mechanism and the commercial operation. In the face of the professional siege, it is necessary to fight with the amateur nature: to adhere to the independence of the intellectuals and to their own then act, do not obey the professional attitude; pay attention to the public space, Carry out cultural criticism in a wider field, and contact social movements; with more general care, convey different values and repair The fourth part: the overall evaluation of the thought of the Sayed intellectuals, and points out the theoretical significance and the enlightenment to the Chinese intellectuals. The theory of death is of great theoretical value, so that the intellectual can avoid the context limit of itself to the greatest extent, so as to obtain the high degree of objectivity and criticism freedom. The amateur nature is also very critical and can make the intellectual cross his narrow career, and set up a set of more general The principle of more rational is to put the intellectual in the logic of the cultural logic that can not be repressed by the rationalism and the professionalization; the rational affirmation of the mass force is a bright spot in the theory of Sayed's intellectuals. He is a revelation to us and to the society To speak without giving up the sense of responsibility in a particular historical context; to criticize and At the same time, the strategy of action is also emphasized; the intellectual thought of Saeed also has some limitations.
[Abstract]:The theory of intellectuals is a field of research that is rich in connotation and complex and changeable. It covers a number of subject areas, and in the longitudinal direction, it is often combined with different historical and cultural contexts and exists in a dynamic way. In this paper, in the case of the intellectual theory of Edward Sayed, after the definition, characteristics and representativeness of the intellectuals are discussed, the central question of how the intellectuals act is to be fastened, and the two ways of intervention of the "exiled" and the "Amateur" put forward in the present context are analyzed. It points out its unique theoretical value and its inspiration to us. So as to deepen the theoretical research of the intellectual field. This paper is divided into six parts. The "Introduction" introduces the general and special concepts of the intellectuals, and gives a brief description of the present situation of the domestic and foreign research on this problem. The first part of the text: the first part of the text: the first part of the first part of the text. The definition of the intellectual, pointing out its main features and the representation of the intellectuals, is the ability of the intelligentsia to present to the public, for the public, information, views, philosophies or opinions, and that independence is an important aspect of it; he/ She insisted on the universality of value, opposed the narrow range of interests, had the spirit of criticism and resistance, and contributed to the search and discussion of social issues; the participation and the non-escape of politics, on the public space, and the active involvement of the social reality; and The interests of the underlying people that are often forgotten or abandoned; the strength of the mass of society. Part two:
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1 王富;赛义德现象研究[D];四川大学;2006年