发布时间:2017-08-22 19:38
【摘要】:典故传承着中国传统文化讯息,唐诗中典故的丰富运用为其带来厚重的文化积淀。因此,如何翻译唐诗中典故不仅是中国古典文学翻译的课题之一,更是传播中国特色文化的重要途经。 本文以定量分析为出发点,从宾纳与许渊冲各自翻译的《唐诗三百首》中提取两者重合翻译的八十三首,以此建立了汉语与两个英语译文的平行语料库,即宾纳的英译本以及许渊冲的英译本与汉语诗文的平行语料库。在此基础上通过定性分析的方法对83首唐诗中的124个典故按其来源进行分类,并从两译本中随机抽取了45个典故及其译文进行对比和分析,最终总结出宾纳与许渊冲各自译本在翻译唐诗典故中的策略倾向。此项研究旨在探索典故翻译应该采取的策略及方法。 该研究表明,对于涉及中国传统文化的典故,两为译者均采取了归化、异化等多种翻译策略,但是在倾向性上有着很大不同。该研究用统计学方法证明了宾纳与许渊冲在典故翻译策略选择上存在明显差异。
【关键词】:唐诗 典故翻译 归化 异化 平行语料库
- 摘要5-6
- Chapter 1 Introduction11-15
- 1.1 Information on Tang Poetry and its Translations11-13
- 1.2 Purpose of the Study13
- 1.3 Significance of the Study13
- 1.4 Research Questions13-14
- 1.5 Layout of the Thesis14-15
- Chapter 2 Literature Review15-31
- 2.1 Allusion and Translation15-19
- 2.1.1 Definition of Allusion15-16
- 2.1.2 Characteristics of Allusion16
- 2.1.3 Use of Allusion in Chinese Classical Poems16-17
- 2.1.4 Previous Studies on Allusion Translation17-19
- 2.2 Theories on Poetry Translation19-25
- 2.2.1 Functional Equivalence Theory of Eugene Nida19-21
- 2.2.2 Rhymed School and Free Verse School21-25
- 2.3 The Theory of Translation Compensation25-28
- 2.3.1 Definition of Compensation25-27
- 2.3.2 Strategies for Compensation27-28
- 2.4 Domestication and Foreignization28-31
- 2.4.1 Definition of Domestication and Foreignization28-29
- 2.4.2 Opposition and Unification of Domestication and Foreignization29-31
- Chapter 3 Methodology31-35
- 3.1 The Quantitative Approach and the Qualitative Approach31
- 3.2 The Self-built Parallel Corpus of Allusions in Tang Poetry31-33
- 3.2.1 A Brief Introduction of Parallel Corpus in the Research31-32
- 3.2.2 Data Collection32-33
- 3.2.3 Alignment33
- 3.3 Data Analysis33-35
- Chapter 4 Comparison between Bynner's and Xu's Strategies in Allusion Translation35-75
- 4.1 Translation of Allusions in the Two Translated Versions35-72
- 4.1.1 Allusions from Historical Events and Characters36-52
- 4.1.2 Translations of Allusions from Literary Works52-60
- 4.1.3 Translations of Allusions from Myths60-66
- 4.1.4 Translation of Allusions from Customs or Folktales66-72
- 4.2 Summary72-75
- 4.2.1 Differences of Allusion Translations between Bynner's and Xu's Versions72-73
- 4.2.2 Translation Strategies and Trends of Bynner and Xu73-75
- Chapter 5 Conclusion75-79
- 5.1 Major Findings75-77
- 5.2 Implications of the Study77-78
- 5.3 Limitations of this Study78
- 5.4 Suggestions for Further Study78-79
- References79-83
- Appendix83-103
- Acknowledgements103-104
- Resume104
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