发布时间:2017-08-29 19:21
【摘要】:翻译是一种艺术,特别是文学翻译。文学作品,使用了艺术手法,表达了某种思想内容和风格意境。因此文学翻译光传达意思是不够的,翻译后还应该是艺术品,保存原作的感情,韵味,意境和风格,有丰富感染力,给人以美的感受。 《红楼梦》是一部反映中国封建社会、文化、历史、生活的百科全书,它突出的文学成就以及艺术魅力吸引了许多翻译家把它翻译成各种语言。这些译本为跨文化交流作出了重要的贡献.其中最成功的英译版本是杨宪益夫妇所翻译的"A Dream of Red Mansions"和英国汉学家戴维·霍克斯(David Hawks)翻译的"The Story of the Stone",这两译本无论是对促进中外文化的交流,介绍中国的古典文化遗产,还是对译者主体性的研究都具有重要意义。 近年来,随着翻译学的文化转向,译者作为翻译这一活动的中心和主体,是架起源语言文化和译语语言文化的桥梁,译者的主体性作用在翻译研究中逐渐彰显,逐步受到国内外翻译学者的关注并成为翻译界的研究热点。译者的主体意识即译者在翻译过程中体现的一种自觉的人格意识、创造意识和审美意识。 文学翻译中译者的主体性,主要体现在对原作思想内容和风格特色的把握和再现两个方面。这种主体意识的存在与否、强与弱都在整个翻译过程留下了深刻的烙印,并直接影响了译本的质量。目的论认为:翻译是一种有目的的行为活动,翻译的目的决定整个翻泽过程。同样地,译文是否“充分”地实现了翻译的目的成为评价译文好坏的标准。所以本文试图借助于功能主义目的论同时综合归化和异化,以《红楼梦》的两译本为依托,将里面的经典文化翻译作为研究对象,探讨了影响译者主体性发挥的因素,并将译者主体性发挥的重要作用分解到译者的翻译过程中,以此比较不同译者带来的不同效果。关于泽者主体性研究的文章已经很多,但本文仍然把这一观点重提是因为他与当下我国倡导的“以人为本”的思想不谋而合。
【关键词】:《红楼梦》 译者主体性 目的论 翻译目的
- Acknowledgements4-5
- Abstract5-7
- 摘要7-10
- Chapter Ⅰ Introduction10-14
- 1.1 Purpose of the study10-11
- 1.2 Significance of the study11-12
- 1.3 Methodology of the study12-13
- 1.4 Structure of the thesis13-14
- Chapter Ⅱ Theoretical Basis:Skopostheorie14-20
- 2.1 Brief introduction to Skopostheorie14-15
- 2.2 Development of Skopostheorie15-16
- 2.3 Basic concepts in Skopostheorie16-17
- 2.3.1 The concept of Skopos16
- 2.3.2 The concept of translation brief16-17
- 2.4 The foundamental principle of Skopostheorie17-18
- 2.4.1 The Skopos rule17-18
- 2.4.2 The coherence rule(Continuity principle)18
- 2.4.3 The fidelity rule(Loyalty principle)18
- 2.4.4 The relation between the three rules18
- 2.5 Significance of Skopos theory18-20
- Chapter Ⅲ Subjectivity of the Translator20-33
- 3.1 Background of translator's subjectivity20-22
- 3.1.1 Translator's subjectivity in traditional theories21
- 3.1.2 Translator's subjectivity in modern translation theories21-22
- 3.2 Definition of translator' subjectivity22-24
- 3.2.1 Subject of translation22-23
- 3.2.2 The relation between"subjectivity of translation" and "translator's subjectivity23
- 3.2.3 Definition of translator' subjectivity23-24
- 3.3 The features (The manifestations) of subjectivity24-27
- 3.3.1 Subjective initiative24-25
- 3.3.2 Translator's creativity (Egoism)25
- 3.3.3 Restrictions(Passivity)25-27
- 3.4 Factors affecting the exertion of subjectivity of the translator27-29
- 3.4.1 The original text27
- 3.4.2 Historical background27-28
- 3.4.3 Readers' expectation28
- 3.4.4 The language and culture competence of translator28
- 3.4.5 The understanding competence of the translator28-29
- 3.4.6 Other factors29
- 3.5 Researches on transnslator' subjectivity from the perspective of Skopostheorie29-31
- 3.5.1 The transnslator' subjectivity:A Skopostheorie Approach29
- 3.5.2 The original text: An offer of information29-30
- 3.5.3 Adequacy: The translation criterion30-31
- 3.5.4 A translator: An expert31
- 3.6 The significance of research on subjectivity31-33
- Chapter IV Honglou Meng and Its Translated Text33-38
- 4.1 Cao Xueqin and Honglou Meng33-36
- 4.1.1 Brief introduction of author33-34
- 4.1.2 Contents of HongLouMeng34-35
- 4.1.3 Evaluation of the novel35
- 4.1.4 Purpose of the novel35-36
- 4.2 General introduction of the translation of Honglou Meng36-38
- Chapter Ⅴ Manifestation of Translator' Subjectivity in the Two English Versions38-52
- 5.1 Translator' personal background38-39
- 5.2 Translator' subjectivity in two English versions39-52
- 5.2.1 Translator' subjectivity presented in purpose39-42
- 5.2.2 Translator' subjectivity presented in the selection of the original text42-43
- 5.2.3 Comparison of translation strategy43-52
- Chapter Ⅵ Conclusion52-55
- Bibliography55-57
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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