发布时间:2017-09-06 17:13
【摘要】:阐释学是一门研究理解和解释的学科,它经历了从神学阐释逐渐发展到现代哲学阐释学的漫长过程。1960年《真理与方法》的出版标志着德国哲学家伽达默尔已成为当代最具影响力的阐释学家。 阐释学与文学翻译研究之间有本质联系。哲学阐释学翻译理论突破了传统译论关于追求唯一“标准”翻译和作者至上的偏见,为翻译研究提供了新视角。它认为文学翻译即阐释。文学作品和译者有各自的视域,不同时期的译者带着自己的视域(包括语言、文化、宗教等)去理解和翻译作品,实现了阐释的多样化。因此文学翻译的过程既是视域融合的过程,又是阐释的过程。同时,历史的不可逆决定了翻译的历史性,翻译都产生于特定的社会历史环境。 《快乐王子》从1909年首次被周作人介绍到中国以来,在将近一个世纪的时间里有近百种不同的译本相继出现,本文所选择的作为研究对象的三个译本分别是周作人翻译的《安乐王子》,巴金翻译的《快乐王子集》,和李解人翻译的《快乐王子》。本文以伽达默尔的哲学阐释学的三个主要理论观点,即“理解的历史性“视域融合”和“效果历史”为理论基础,并结合阐释学的其他相关理论,对《快乐王子》的三个具有代表性的译本进行对比研究,对他们由于历史环境的不同而发生的变化进行分析、研究,进而得出以下结论:随着时代的发展,《快乐王子》重译本不断产生,能够发现一个译本就是一个时代创造的偏见,好的译本应该是该时代认可的偏见。哲学阐释学能够有效地解释一些由社会文化历史语境影响和决定的翻译现象,适用于对不同时期出现的不同译作进行研究,尤其适用于对受时代影响较深的儿童文学的重译进行研究,因此为儿童文学重译提供了一个新的视角。
【关键词】:《快乐王子》 哲学阐释学 比较 重译
- Decleration5-6
- Acknowledgements6-7
- Abstract7-9
- 摘要9-10
- Contents10-12
- Lists of Tables12-13
- Chapter One Introduction13-15
- 1.1 The Significance of the Study13-14
- 1.2 Methodology of the Thesis14
- 1.3 Orgnization of the Thesis14-15
- Chapter Two Literature Review15-24
- 2.1 Relevant Studies on Hermeneutics Applied in Translation Studies15-18
- 2.2 Relevant Studies on Retranslation of Children's Literary Writings in China18-21
- 2.3 Previous Studies on "The Happy Prince" and Its Translations in China21-24
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework24-36
- 3.1 The Origin and Development of Hermeneutics24-26
- 3.2 Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics and Three Principles26-32
- 3.2.1 Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics26-28
- 3.2.2 Three Principles of Philosophical Hermeneutics28-32
- Historical Interpretation28-30
- Fusion of Horizons30-31
- Effective History31-32
- 3.3 Philosophical Hermeneutics and Translation Studies32-36
- 3.3.1 Historical Interpretation and Literary Translation32-33
- 3.3.2 Fusion of Horizons and Literary Translation33-34
- 3.3.3 Effective History and Literary Translation34-36
- Chapter Four A Comparative Study of the Three Chinese Versions36-67
- 4.1 Brief Introduction to the Original Text and the Three Translations36-41
- 4.1.1 Oscar Wilde and "The Happy Prince"36-38
- 4.1.2 Zhou Zuoren and His Translation of "The Happy Prince"38-39
- 4.1.3 Ba Jin and His Retranslation of "The Happy Prince"39-40
- 4.1.4 Li Jieren and Her Retranslation of "The Happy Prince"40-41
- 4.2 A Comparative Analysis of the Translation Strategies Adopted by the Three Translations Based on Philosophical Hermeneutics41-62
- 4.2.1 Comparison on Translation Purposes Based on "Effective History"41-43
- 4.2.2 Comparison on Textual Level Based on "Historical Interpretation"43-46
- 4.2.3 Comparison on Syntactic Level Based on "Fusion of Horizons"46-50
- Simplicity of Sentences46-48
- Reconstruction of Sentences48-50
- 4.2.4 Comparison on Lexical Level Based on "Fusion of Horizons"50-57
- Modal Particles51-53
- Duplicative Words and Four-character Phrases53-55
- Culturally-loaded words55-57
- 4.2.5 Comparison on Rhetoric Level Based on "Fusion of Horizons"57-62
- Simile and Metaphor57-59
- Repetition59-60
- Parallelism60-62
- 4.3 An Analysis of the Factors Leading to Different Versions from Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics62-67
- 4.3.1 The Openness of the Source Text62-64
- 4.3.2 The Subjectivity of the Translator64-65
- 4.3.3 The Status and Role of the Target Readers65-67
- Chapter Five Conclusion67-70
- Bibliography70-74
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