发布时间:2017-10-01 22:18
更多相关文章: 《围城》英译本 译者主体性 文化负载词 翻译方法
【摘要】:《围城》是钱钟书的代表作,是钱老艺术成就最高的作品。这部风格独特的现实主义讽刺长篇小说极具哲理意味,小说语言幽默俏皮。此外,《围城》中妙语连珠俯拾皆是,知识密度相当大,是一部典型的学者小说。因此,本书的翻译绝非易事,给译者带来了极大的挑战。 长期以来,作为翻译中最活跃、最重要的因素,译者的地位在翻译理论界却遭忽视。二十世纪七十年代出现在西方翻译研究的“文化转向”,让译者的翻译主体身份得以彰显,译者主体性成了翻译界炙手可热的新课题。本文回顾了译者从被忽视到被重视的过程,,并将译者主体性作为理论框架引入到《围城》的英译研究中。本文主要分析了译者主体性的四个要素:译者的翻译目的、译者的文化能力和文化意识、译者的读者意识和译者的创造力,并从这四个要素着手,分析了它们如何影响译者在翻译文化负载词时具体翻译方法的采用,从而进一步探讨如何以译者主体性的四要素为视角来提升译作的质量。 以译者主体性切入,通过《围城》中部分文化负载词的译例分析,本文客观地评价了《围城》的英译本,让人们对于译者采取的翻译策略和方法的原因有进一步认识,并且探索了如何以主体性为视角来提升译者的翻译水平和提高译作的质量,以期在《围城》英译本研究中起到抛砖引玉的作用。
【关键词】:《围城》英译本 译者主体性 文化负载词 翻译方法
- Acknowledgements4-5
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-9
- Introduction9-12
- Chapter One Literature Review12-22
- 1.1 Translator’s Subjectivity12-16
- 1.1.1 Subject and Subjectivity12-14
- 1.1.2 Subject and Subjectivity in Translation14-16
- 1.2 Rejection & Recognition of Translator’s Subjectivity16-22
- 1.2.1 Rejection of Translator’s Subjectivity: Traditional Translation Theories16-19
- 1.2.2 Recognition of Translator’s Subjectivity: The Cultural Turn in Translation Studies19-22
- Chapter Two Introduction to Fortress Besieged & Its English Version22-29
- 2.1 Introduction to Fortress Besieged and Qian Zhongshu22-25
- 2.1.1 Characteristics and Importance of Fortress Besieged22-24
- 2.1.2 Style of and Achievements by Qian Zhongshu24-25
- 2.2 Introduction to the English Version of Fortress Besieged and Its Translators25-29
- 2.2.1 Background and Importance of the English Version of Fortress Besieged and Previous Studies25-27
- 2.2.2 Translating Strategy Adopted by Jean Kelly and Nathan K. Mao27-29
- Chapter Three Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Fortress Besieged in Light of Subjectivity29-52
- 3.1 Definition of Culture-loaded Words29-31
- 3.2 Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Translator’s Subjectivity31-42
- 3.2.1 The Translator’s Translation Purpose31-34
- 3.2.2 The Translator’s Cultural Competence and Cultural Consciousness34-37
- 3.2.3 The Translator’s Reader Awareness37-39
- 3.2.4 The Translator’s Creativity39-42
- 3.3 Demonstration of The Translator’s Subjectivity in the Translation Methods of Culture-loaded Words in Fortress Besieged42-52
- 3.3.1 Annotation42-44
- 3.3.2 Amplification44-45
- 3.3.3 Transliteration (plus amplification or annotation)45-46
- 3.3.4 Literal translation (plus amplification or annotation)46-47
- 3.3.5 Free translation47-48
- 3.3.6 Generalization48-49
- 3.3.7 Substitution49-50
- 3.3.8 Omission50-52
- Chapter Four Ways to Improve the English Version of Fortress Besieged in Light of the Translator’s Subjectivity52-58
- 4.1 Enhancing the Translator’s Cultural Competence52-53
- 4.2 Striking a Balance between the Translator’s Translation Purpose and the Reader’s Acceptability53-55
- 4.3 Ensuring Cultural Communication by Creative Treason55-58
- Conclusion58-61
- Bibliography61-64
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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