发布时间:2017-10-29 05:19
【摘要】:本文探讨了中英三字俗语的分类并对其句法功能进行了对比研究。文中对三字俗语的分类主要基于Fillmore等人的研究以及自主-依存联结模型。为了完善分类,文中借用了“化学键”的概念,将三字俗语中的动词等价于化学中的金属离子,从而将三字俗语划分为两个大类——离子键型三字俗语和共价键型三字俗语。此外,通过自主-依存联结模型,本文在离子键和共价键类型的基础上进一步分类,将汉语三字俗语进一步分为11个子类别,将英语三字俗语进一步分为9个子类别。 文中对中英三字俗语的句法功能对比研究正是基于上述分类。对比研究首先从汉语及英语三字俗语分类的分类结果入手,在各个子类别的对比基础上进行英汉语三字俗语的句法功能对比研究。在句法功能的讨论中,首先是定性分析,借助语料库中三字俗语的例句对各种三字俗语的句法功能进行分析并与另一种语言中所对应的类型进行对比分析。定性研究虽然可以得出一些结论,但是由于定性研究的对象较少,不具有代表性,因此本文在句法对比分析的过程中还引入了定量研究。作者在《中国古代小说俗语大辞典》及《NTC美国俗语字典》中分别选取1000条三字俗语,借助于SPSS与语料库的帮助,对中英文三字俗语的句法功能进行了数据统计。需要指出的是,本文在SPSS应用中借助卡方实验模块证明了本文中的样本研究具有代表性及普适性。 本文得出的主要结论如下:第一,英文三字俗语中,32.3%的共价键类型在句中做主语或宾语,67.7%的共价键类型在句中做修饰语或补语;中文三字俗语中,25.7%的中文共价键类型在句中做主语或宾语,74.3%的共价键类型在句中做修饰语或补语;第二,所有的英语离子键俗语均可做谓语,其中97.8%还可以作为修饰语或补语,86.5%的汉语离子键三字俗语在句中做谓语,13.5%做补语或修饰语。据此我们认为英汉三字俗语在句法功能上有如下区别与相似点:所有的英语离子键型三字俗语均可充当谓语,而汉语三字俗语中80%以上可以作为谓语,但仍有13.5%只能用作补语或修饰语;英语共价键与汉语共价键类型的三字俗语句法功能几乎相同,70%左右用作修饰语或补语,30%左右用作主语或宾语。 上述结论将有助于三字俗语的句法功能分析及三字俗语的翻译。此外,本研究作为第一个进行三字俗语分类的研究,将会推进俗语研究的发展。
【关键词】:三字俗语 对比研究 句法功能 构式
- 摘要5-7
- Abstract7-9
- List of Tables9-10
- List of Figures10-11
- List of Abbreviations11-14
- Chapter One Introduction14-19
- 1.1 The Purpose of the Paper14
- 1.2 Why Three-Word Idioms?14-15
- 1.3 Construction15-16
- 1.3.1 The Development of Construction15
- 1.3.2 A/DA(Autonomy/Dependence-Alignment)15-16
- 1.3.3 Why Construction Grammar?16
- 1.3.4 Why A/DA?16
- 1.4 Construction Grammar Applied in Three-Word Idiom Research16-17
- 1.5 The Significance of the Paper17
- 1.6 The Outline of the Paper17-19
- Chapter Two Literature Review19-26
- 2.1 Previous Studies on Construction Grammar and Idioms19-20
- 2.2 Qualitative Study on Idioms20-21
- 2.3 Quantitative Study on Idioms21-22
- 2.4 Quantitative and Qualitative Study on Idioms22-23
- 2.5 Fillmore's Study on the Classification of Idioms23-24
- 2.6 Conclusion24-26
- Chapter Three Research Methodology26-35
- 3.1 The Introduction to Chemical Bond26-29
- 3.1.1 Why Chemical Bond?26
- 3.1.2 The Classification of Three-Word Idioms via Chemical Bond26-29
- 3.2 Autonomous Part/Dependent Part-Alignment29-31
- 3.2.1 The Frame of A/DA29-31
- 3.2.2 A/DA and Previous Study31
- 3.3 A/DA Applied in the Categorization of the Three-Word Idioms31-33
- 3.4 The Methodology of the Contrastive Study of Syntactic Functions33-34
- 3.4.1 The Tertium Comparationis(TC)of the Contrastive Study33
- 3.4.2 The Introduction of Corpus and SPSS in the Following Research33-34
- 3.5 Conclusion34-35
- Chapter Four Constructional Approach to Idioms-The Case of Three-Word Idioms in Chinese and English35-49
- 4.1 The Study of Three-Word Idioms in Terms of Construction Grammar35-36
- 4.2 An Overview of the Classification of Three-Word Idioms36
- 4.3 The Classification of Chinese Three-Character Idioms via A/DA36-43
- 4.4 The Classification of English Three-Word Idioms via A/DA43-48
- 4.5 Conclusion48-49
- Chapter Five Contrastive Study on the Syntactic Functions of Chinese and English Three-Word Idioms49-73
- 5.1 The Contrastive Study on the Categorization between Chinese Three-Character Idioms and English Three-Word Idioms49-51
- 5.1.1 The Contrastive Study on the Subtypes of the Ionic-Bond Idioms50
- 5.1.2 The Contrastive Study on the Subtypes of the Covalent-Bond Idioms50-51
- 5.2 The Contrastive Study of the Syntactic Functions51-60
- 5.2.1 Contrastive Study on the Syntactic Functions of Ionic-Bond Type of Chinese and English Three-Word Idioms51-55
- Syntactic Functions of the Ionic-Bond Type51-54
- A Brief Summary54-55
- 5.2.2 Contrastive Study on the Syntactic Functions of Covalent-Bond Type of Chinese and English Three-Word Idioms55-60
- Syntactic Functions of the Covalent-Bond Type55-59
- A Brief Summary59-60
- 5.3 SPSS Applied in the Study on Syntactic Functions of Chinese and English Three-Word Idioms60-70
- 5.3.1 SPSS Applied in the Syntactic Functions of Chinese Three-Character Idioms60-66
- 5.3.2 SPSS Applied in the Syntactic Functions of English Three-Word Idioms66-70
- 5.4 Conclusion70-73
- Chapter Six Conclusion73-75
- 6.1 Major Findings73-74
- 6.2 Theoretical Implications and Limitations74-75
- Bibliography75-80
- Acknowledgements80
中国期刊全文数据库 前3条
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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前1条
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