本文关键词: 网络体语言 分类 传播 规范 出处:《青海师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:1994年中国正式接入国际互联网,宣告着中国网络时代的来临,从此互联网就深刻地改变着我们的生活。这一新生事物给语言带来的改变就是催生了网络语言,网民们在网络上运用属于自己的独特“书面语言”进行交际,并日益丰富着网络语言的内容和形式。网络体语言就是在网络上出现的一种新的语言现象,它是网络语言不断变化和发展的产物。网络体语言的发展速度超过了以往出现的各种“网络热词”,它以一匹黑马的姿态在短时间内就引起网络上大范围的讨论,并走出网络,走进传统媒体和现实生活的使用中。语言学界已经注意到这个新生的语言现象,但对它的研究可以说才刚刚展开,还没有一个系统的梳理和归纳,更不要说制定规范了,因此,从理论方面来说,网络体语言的研究是对网络语言研究的补充和扩展;从实际方面来说,面对网络体语言目前在媒体上无序、混乱的使用状态,本研究能起到指导和规范的作用。 目前关于网络体语言的研究的资料很少,本文的研究参考了网络语言及网络传播方面的论著,从已有的相关研究中吸取养分为网络体语言的研究服务。在资料的收集方面,网络体语言的语料主要来源于网友的原创网络体及其他网友的跟风创作,这些网络资料是本论文最主要的语料。其次以陕西报纸《华商报》中的“悦生活”版面中收集到的已经进入到传统纸媒中的网络体语言为主。在资料的调查方面,则以对不同年龄层的受众发放调查问卷及与陕西报纸《华商报》中的“悦生活”版面的编辑进行访谈为主,尽量做到理论与实际相结合,得到客观真实的结论。 本论文分为三章。第一章网络体语言概述,主要分三节讨论了网络体语言的兴起与发展、网络体语言的性质和特点以及网络体语言的传播影响。第二章网络体语言的触发类型和表现形式,分为两节将网络体语言以触发机制和表现形式为依据进行分类。最后一章是网络体语言的规范及社会趋势,分别讨论了网络体语言的规范策略以及发展趋势。
[Abstract]:In 1994, China officially connected to the Internet, announcing the advent of the Chinese Internet age, and the Internet has profoundly changed our lives since then. This new thing has brought about a change in the language that has given birth to the Internet language. Internet users use their own unique "written language" to communicate, and increasingly enrich the content and form of network language. It is the product of the constant change and development of the network language. The development speed of the network body language is faster than all kinds of "network hot words" that appeared in the past, it causes the discussion on the network in a short time with the posture of a dark horse, and goes out of the network. Into the use of traditional media and real life. The linguists have noticed this nascent language phenomenon, but the research on it can be said to have just begun, and there is no systematic combing and induction, let alone the establishment of norms, so, In theory, the research of network body language is a supplement and extension to the study of network language. In fact, in the face of the disorder and confusion of the use of network body language in the media, This study can play a guiding and normative role. At present, there is very little data on the research of network body language. The research in this paper refers to the works of network language and network communication, and draws nutrients from existing related research to serve the research of network body language. In the aspect of data collection, The corpus of the online language mainly comes from the original network style of the net friend and the creation of other netizens' style. These online materials are the most important data in this paper. Secondly, the online language collected in the "Yueyue Lifetime" section of Shaanxi newspaper "China Business News" has entered the traditional print media. In terms of data investigation, It is mainly about issuing questionnaires to audiences of different age groups and interviewing editors of "Yueyue Lifetime" in Shaanxi newspaper "China Business newspaper", so as to combine theory with practice as far as possible, and get objective and true conclusions. This thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is an overview of the network volume language, which is divided into three sections to discuss the rise and development of the network volume language. The nature and characteristics of network volume language and the influence of network volume language transmission. Chapter 2 trigger type and expression form of network volume language. It is divided into two sections to classify the network volume language according to the trigger mechanism and the form of expression. The last chapter is the specification and social trend of the network volume language, and discusses the normative strategy and the development trend of the network volume language respectively.
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