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发布时间:2018-03-31 13:09

  本文选题:跨文化交际 切入点:中国 出处:《哈尔滨师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The so-called taboo refers to the prohibited normative requirements that exist in people's daily lives and exist in people's hearts in an invisible state. The specific contents include language that is taboo. Taboo culture is one of the important factors that influence the smooth progress of cross-cultural communication. According to the cross-cultural communication between China and South Korea, due to the complexity of cultural content and variety of forms of taboo culture between China and South Korea, If people ignore this issue in the course of communication, it will probably have a negative impact on communication and even become an obstacle to communication. Therefore, the taboo problem in both countries should be highly valued, but in the past, when scholars paid attention to this topic, In fact, cross-cultural communicators should not only understand the similarities and differences of language taboos, but also study the differences and similarities between them. At the same time, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of other taboos. Only by knowing the similarities and differences between the two cultures and the reasons for them can we further enhance the ability and skills of cultural exchanges and promote the smooth conduct of cross-cultural communication. The author uses the methods of literature research, comparative analysis and questionnaire investigation to make a comparative study on the taboo between China and South Korea in all aspects. The specific contents are arranged as follows: the first chapter is the introduction part, which includes the interpretation of "taboo". The purpose and significance of the topic, the review of the current research situation and the theoretical basis are discussed in four aspects: the Chinese taboo, the Korean taboo, the cross-cultural taboo and the Chinese-Korean taboo. The theoretical basis includes cross-cultural communication theory and taboo theory. The second chapter is "describing the similarities and differences of taboo phenomena between China and Korea". The author also analyzes the similarities and differences of Chinese and Korean language taboos through the taboo of appellation and the taboo of evil words, and through the behavior taboos related to nature, the author makes a comparative analysis of taboos in etiquette and other aspects. Diet taboos and behavioral taboos in daily life are compared with those in China and Korea. At the same time, the taboos of animals and numbers between China and Korea are briefly summarized. The third chapter is "Analysis of the reasons for the similarities and differences between Chinese and South Korean taboos," including the analysis of the reasons for the similarities of taboos between China and South Korea and the analysis of the differences between the taboos of China and Korea. The author considers the historical origin, natural environment, and so on. The four parts of ruling thought and the belief of gods and ghosts analyze the reasons for the similarity of taboo between China and South Korea; The fourth chapter is "the investigation of Sino-Korean Cross-cultural Communication taboos and coping Strategies", which includes the investigation and analysis of Sino-Korean taboos. Cross-cultural communication errors caused by taboos between China and South Korea and specific strategies to deal with taboos. Finally, this paper summarizes the main contents of this paper in the conclusion. The main content of this paper is the description of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean taboos. In the description of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean taboos, except the contrasts of language taboos, the behavioral taboos are contrasted. The contrast of taboos in etiquette and other aspects is the innovative content of this paper. In the fourth chapter of this paper, the Chinese and Korean people are investigated by questionnaires to investigate their understanding of the taboos between China and South Korea. It is also the innovation of this thesis. From these aspects, this paper plays a certain reference significance for the smooth development of cross-cultural communication.


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