本文选题:德国学生 + 语音偏误 ; 参考:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:语音作为汉语学习的第一步,是对外汉语教学中的基础课,承担着培养学生汉语学习与应用能力的重任,因此汉语语音教学则成为对外汉语教学中极为重要的一部分。随着学习汉语的德国人逐渐增多,现阶段的汉语语音教学很少有专门研究德国学生学习汉语时出现的语音偏误问题,采用的教学方式多缺少针对性,导致教学效果不明显。因此,本文试图针对德国学生的特点,分析研究出德国学生学习汉语时出现的问题,并针对这些问题制定出行之有效的教学方式。 全文共分为四部分。本文的绪论部分,介绍了本文的研究背景,明确了研究的目的和意义以及目前的研究成果;第一部分和第二部分,分别根据德语的发音特点,,分析出学生在学习汉语时声母和韵母方面的发音难点和容易出现的偏误问题,特别针对汉语中有而德语中没有的音,以及德语中有与汉语相似,但却略有不同的音进行研究;第三部分是声调方面的发音难点和容易出现的偏误问题的分析,分别对四声,以及轻声进行研究。 这些发音难点和有关偏误问题的分析,都是针对德国学生来说的,是德国学生学习汉语时,由于受到母语的影响而形成的偏误问题的分析。希望这篇论文能帮助德国学生在学习汉语的发音时,给予他们某些借鉴作用。 本文的结语部分为本篇论文的结论和对今后的展望。
[Abstract]:As the first step in Chinese learning , speech is the basic course in Chinese teaching as a foreign language , and it is a very important part of Chinese teaching . As the German students studying Chinese are gradually increasing , there are few problems in Chinese phonetic teaching . Therefore , this paper tries to study the problems of German students in studying Chinese . Therefore , this paper tries to find out the problems which arise when studying Chinese students in German students .
The whole text is divided into four parts . The introduction part of this paper introduces the research background of this paper , clarifies the purpose and significance of the research and the present research results ;
The first part and the second part , according to the pronunciation characteristics of German respectively , analyze the pronunciation difficulties and the easy - appearing bias problem of the students in the study of Chinese , especially for Chinese and German , and German , with similar but slightly different sounds .
The third part is the analysis of the pronunciation difficulty and the easy - to - appear error in the tonal aspect , and the study of the four sound and the light sound are carried out respectively .
The difficulties of these pronunciation and the analysis of the problem of bias are for German students . It is the analysis of the errors caused by the influence of the mother tongue when German students study Chinese . It is hoped that this paper will help the German students give them some reference when studying Chinese pronunciation .
The concluding part of this paper is the conclusion of this paper and its prospect in the future .
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