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发布时间:2018-04-16 04:25

  本文选题:汉语词义 + 在线理解 ; 参考:《河北大学》2013年博士论文

【摘要】:语境对语言理解来说必不可少,对词义理解尤其重要,因为它时刻影响着词义在线理解的方向和内容,可以消除词义的不确定性、多变性和相对性,从而使词义在特定的话语中具有唯一性。当前,国内外越来越多的语言研究者发现词义的研究离不开运用中的语言,而语用研究也离不开词义的研究,特别是词义在具体语境中的语用变化情况。本文在现代词汇语用学的视野下,以语用学的成熟理论为解释框架,同时借鉴传统语言学特别是训诂学关于词义解释的一些成果,对汉语话语理解中的词汇语用充实现象进行了系统研究,目标是通过观察一定规模的语料对汉语词汇运用在不同层级语境中的语用充实现象进行分析、描写和分类,然后运用以关联理论和顺应理论为基础建立的分析模式,对交际主体词汇语用充实的心理认知机制和理解路径进行阐释。 全文共分六章。第1章是引言。简要介绍选题背景和缘由、研究对象和内容、研究目标和意义、研究方法和语料来源;详细梳理、述评了国内外词汇语用研究的历史渊源、发展脉络以及研究现状。 第2章是方法论认识和理论基础。从词汇语用学和语用学的关系、哲学的语言学转向以及日常语言哲学流派三个方面进行了词汇语用学的哲学溯源,从而从哲学的意义上进一步确认了本文的研究价值和原动力;系统介绍了本文的解释框架:关联理论和顺应理论,包括它们各自的起源、影响及其关于语境、话语理解的主要观点,使之成为贯穿全文的指导思想和主要理论基础。 第3章是不同层级语境下的词汇语用充实现象分析。借鉴已有的语境研究成果,提出了不同的语境分层方法,在词汇语用学视角下,将影响词义在线理解语用充实过程的语境分成三个大类共六个层级,第一大类为言内语境,包括词语境、短语语境、句子语境、超句语境四个次层级,第二大类为言外语境,第三大类为认知语境;在此基础上通过丰富的例证对不同层级语境下词义在线理解中的语用充实现象进行了充分描写,并分析了各级语境对话语理解中词义在线理解语用充实的共同制约和调控作用。 第4章是话语理解中的词汇语用充实类型归纳。首先通过比较典型的词或结构从宏观上描述了汉语话语理解中普遍存在的词汇语用充实现象,然后在现有的成果基础上对词汇语用充实现象进行了重新分类,而且采用了不同的分类标准。一是在横向分类的标准下,词汇语用充实可分为零充实、语用收缩、语用扩充和语用转移四种类型,二是在纵向分类的标准下,词汇语用充实又可分为义项间的语用充实、义项内的语用充实和义项外的语用充实三种情况。 第5章是词汇语用充实的关联—顺应性阐释。在关联理论和顺应理论框架下建立了一个关联—顺应分析模式,并运用所建模式,结合具体实例,深入挖掘和剖析进入言语交际后话语理解中词汇语用充实的(交际主体的)认知心理和深层动因;本章还从一般词汇意义理解和词的功能义的理解两方面分析了词汇语用充实的语境顺应特性,从语言自身属性和深层结构方面解释了许多发生在表层结构中的词汇语用变化现象。 第6章是词汇语用学的理论思考和应用探索。本章是在前面几章基础上的进一步延伸,首先是从理论意义和实践应用两个方面探讨了词汇语用学特别是汉语词汇语用学的语言学价值和发展前景,然后从词汇语用学与翻译、词汇教学和语篇分析的结合角度,论证了词汇语用学研究对翻译、词汇教学特别是外语词汇教学等领域的重要启示作用,指出词汇语用学应用性研究的巨大现实意义和今后有可能取得突破的研究空间。 本文主要创新点:第一,在语境研究上有新的突破,提出了不同的语境分层方法,比现有的语境分类更加细致和全面,特别是词语境的概念体现了汉语构词和运用的特点,对认知语境内涵和功能的阐释也完全不同于目前语用学和认知语用学领域的认知语境观,这些新的认识又为词汇语用研究提供了更加开阔的视野;第二,通过更多的实例分析对现有的几种词汇语用充实类型有所补充,并提出了一个新的分类标准,即纵向分类,从一个词的意义层面、词的一个意义层面、词的一个意义和另外一个词的一个意义之间的关系层面上,去观察它们在运用中有可能出现的语用变化情况,丰富了词汇语用充实的研究视角;第三,利用关联理论和顺应理论的优势互补,提出了关联—顺应分析模式,藉此剖析词义在线理解的语境顺应性以及话语理解中词汇语用充实的心理认知机制,使许多发生在表层结构的词汇语用变化现象得到更加合理的解释,同时也是对此前大多停留在词汇语用表层现象分析上的进一步深化研究,弥补了当前词汇语用学对语用学理论借鉴过于单一的缺陷,因而也使所得结论具有更强的说服力。
[Abstract]:Context is essential to language understanding, especially important to the understanding of a word, because it always affects the direction and content of the meaning of online understanding, can eliminate the meaning of uncertainty, variability and relativity, so that the meaning is unique in the particular discourse in language research. At present, more and more domestic and foreign researchers found that the meaning of the study cannot do without use of language, research and pragmatic research also cannot do without meaning, especially the pragmatic meaning of changes in the specific context. Based on the modern lexical pragmatics from the perspective of pragmatics, the mature theory to explain the framework, and from traditional linguistics especially exegesis on some meaning results explain, on Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment in Chinese discourse understanding phenomena were studied. The goal is through the observation of a certain scale corpus of Chinese vocabulary used in different levels of language We analyze, describe and classify the phenomenon of pragmatic enrichment, and then use the analytical mode based on Relevance Theory and adaptation theory to explain the psychological cognitive mechanism and understanding path of communicative corpus's lexical pragmatics.
The full text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. It briefly introduces the background and reasons of the topic selection, research objects and contents, research objectives and significance, research methods and corpus sources, and reviews the historical origin, development context and research status of lexical pragmatics at home and abroad in detail.
The second chapter is the methodology of understanding and theoretical basis. From the Lexical Pragmatic relationship and pragmatics, the linguistic turn of philosophy and philosophy of language schools in three aspects of the philosophical origin of lexical pragmatics, thus from the meaning of philosophy further confirmed the value and price of the original power system; introduces the framework in this paper, relevance theory and adaptation theory, including their origins, and its influence on the context, main points of discourse understanding, make it become the guiding ideology and theoretical basis of the article.
The third chapter is the analysis of Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment phenomenon under the context of different levels. Using the existing context research results, proposed different methods in hierarchical context, lexical pragmatics perspective, will affect the meaning of online understanding pragmatic processes context is divided into three major categories of six levels, the first category of linguistic context including the words, phrases, sentence context, context, context four times super sentence level, second types of non linguistic context, the third category of cognitive context; on the basis of rich examples of pragmatic meaning in the context of online understanding of different levels of enrichment for the full description and analysis of the various context to understand the pragmatic enrichment of the common constraints and regulation of online word meaning in utterance understanding.
The fourth chapter is the discourse understanding of the Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment types. Firstly, by comparing the typical word or structure from a macro description of the full common phenomenon in discourse comprehension of Chinese lexical pragmatics, and then on the basis of the existing results in the phenomenon of Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment was re classified, and the use of different classification criteria. One is in the horizontal classification standard, Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment can be divided into zero enrichment, pragmatic contraction, pragmatic enrichment and pragmatic transfer of four types, two is in the vertical classification standard, Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment can be divided into pragmatic meanings to enrich the pragmatic meanings of the pragmatic enrichment and sense the full three kind of.
The fifth chapter is the Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment of the relevance adaptation interpretation. In relevance theory and adaptation theory under the framework of a relevance adaptation model, and using the model, combined with specific examples, in-depth excavation and analysis to enrich the Lexical Pragmatic after verbal communication in discourse comprehension (communicative subject) and cognitive psychology deep motivation; two functional meaning of this chapter from the general vocabulary meaning and word comprehension analysis of the contextual adaptation characteristics of Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment, explains many occur in the surface structure of the lexical pragmatic change phenomenon from the language itself and the deep structure.
The sixth chapter is to explore the theory and application of lexical pragmatics. This chapter is the further extension of the preceding chapters on the basis of the first two aspects from the theory significance and the practical application of lexical pragmatics in particular linguistic value and development prospects of Chinese lexical pragmatics, then from lexical pragmatics and translation. Vocabulary teaching and discourse analysis combined with angle, demonstrates the study of lexical pragmatics on translation, vocabulary teaching especially important implications for the field of foreign language vocabulary teaching, points out the research significance of the application of the huge space of lexical pragmatics and the possible breakthrough.
The innovations of this paper: first, a new breakthrough in the study of context, the context of different methods of stratification, classification of context than existing more detailed and comprehensive, especially the concept of word context reflects the characteristics of the formation and use of Chinese, the cognitive and functional context connotation is totally different from the cognitive context the field of pragmatics and cognitive pragmatics theory, provides a more open view of these new knowledge and lexical pragmatics; second, through more example analysis of several types of Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment supplement, and put forward a new classification standard, namely longitudinal classification, from the meaning of a word a significant level, the lexical level, the level of the relationship between a meaning of a word meaning and another word on to observe them in the use of pragmatic changes may appear, the rich Vocabulary research from the perspective of pragmatic enrichment; third, the use of relevance theory and adaptation theory of complementary advantages, proposed relevance adaptation analysis model, to analysis the meaning of online understanding of contextual adaptation psychological and cognitive mechanism of Lexical Pragmatic Enrichment and discourse understanding, many changes occurred in the surface structure of the lexical pragmatic phenomenon more reasonable interpretation at the same time, to further deepen the research but also the most remain in the analysis of the phenomenon of lexical pragmatics on the surface, to make up for the defects of the theory of pragmatics from unitary current lexical pragmatics, but also because the results are more convincing.



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