发布时间:2018-05-03 00:17
本文选题:云南官话 + 源头 ; 参考:《南开大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:本文主要研究云南官话音系的源流问题。云南官话作为西南官话的一部分,虽然具有西南官话的一般特点,但其音系还存在一些与其他西南官话的不同之处,云南官话的来源与形成也与周围西南官话有差异。本文通过对云南官话四个代表方言点的调查研究,结合历史移民和详细的卫所军籍资料,将云南官话与相关韵书材料及今西南官话、江淮官话等方言进行历时和共时比较,讨论了云南官话音系的形成,包括传入的时间和源头的考察,并分析其传入后发生的变化。目的在于细致全面考察由于驻军形成的近代官话——云南官话在历史、移民、少数民族语言等多种力量影响下的方言源头和流变情况。 全文共分为六章。 第一章主要介绍了云南官话概况及前人对云南官话的研究,并对文章的研究思路和方法加以说明。 第二章在田野调查的基础之上,详细描写了昆明方言、宜良方言、腾冲方言和丽江方言的音系及特点,同时对四处方言点做历时和共时的音系比较。 第三章通过对云南移民和明朝卫所历史相关文献资料的考察,结合韵书反映的明代官话音系,我们发现移民资料和军籍来源统计的结果均表明云南官话的形成与明朝来自南直隶地区的军籍移民密切相关,而且今天的云南官话与明代的通语音系也存在对应关系。 第四章主要通过方言的共时对比分析云南官话的流变。云南官话与周围四川、贵州等方言的接触影响,使得其语音系统在自身演变的同时也受到了四川官话的影响。导致今天的云南官话在声调系统上与四川西南官话相同,但在声母系统和韵母系统上保留了一些与今天安徽、江苏等地的中原官话和江淮官话类似的语音特点。 第五章讨论了云南官话的内部差异,通过对丽江老派汉语方言和新派汉语方言来源的案例研究,发现云南官话内部不仅存在语音方面的方言差异,同时也存在不同源头的方言差异。 第六章总结了云南官话的源头和流变及由此而形成的语言特点。
[Abstract]:This paper mainly studies the origin of Yunnan Mandarin phonology. Yunnan Mandarin, as a part of Southwest Mandarin, has the general characteristics of Southwest Mandarin, but there are some differences between Yunnan Mandarin and other Southwest Mandarin, and the origin and formation of Yunnan Mandarin are also different from that of the surrounding Southwest Mandarin. Through the investigation and study of the four representative dialects of Yunnan Mandarin, combined with the historical immigrants and the detailed military records of Weiyang Institute, this paper makes a diachronic and synchronic comparison between Yunnan Mandarin and other dialects such as the relevant rhyme books, the present Southwest Mandarin, the Jianghuai Mandarin and the other dialects. This paper discusses the formation of the phonology of Yunnan Mandarin, including the investigation of the time and source of the introduction, and analyzes the changes that have taken place since the introduction. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the origin and evolution of modern mandarin dialect in Yunnan under the influence of history, immigration, minority language and so on. The full text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter mainly introduces the general situation of Yunnan Mandarin and the previous research on Yunnan Mandarin, and explains the research ideas and methods of the article. The second chapter describes the phonology and characteristics of Kunming dialect, Yiliang dialect, Tengchong dialect and Lijiang dialect on the basis of field investigation, and makes a diachronic and synchronic phonological comparison among the four dialects. The third chapter through the Yunnan immigration and the Ming Dynasty Wei Institute history related literature investigation, unifies the rhyme book to reflect the Ming Dynasty official dialect phonology, The results of immigration data and military statistics show that the formation of Yunnan Mandarin is closely related to the military immigrants from Southern Zhili in Ming Dynasty, and there is also a corresponding relationship between Yunnan Mandarin and the general phonetics of Ming Dynasty. The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the evolution of Yunnan Mandarin by synchronic comparison of dialects. The contact between Yunnan Mandarin and its surrounding dialects, such as Sichuan and Guizhou, makes the phonetic system of Yunnan Mandarin also influenced by Sichuan Mandarin as well as its own evolution. As a result, Yunnan Mandarin is the same as Southwest Sichuan Mandarin in tone system, but it retains some phonetic characteristics similar to those of Central Plains Mandarin and Jianghuai Mandarin in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. The fifth chapter discusses the internal differences of Yunnan Mandarin. Through the case study of Lijiang Old School Chinese dialect and New School Chinese dialect, it is found that there are not only phonological differences in Yunnan Mandarin. At the same time, there are differences between different sources of dialects. Chapter six summarizes the origin and evolution of Yunnan Mandarin and its linguistic characteristics.
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