本文选题:电视剧剧名 + 语音 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As an important art form, TV play has become an indispensable entertainment in the daily life of the masses. As the number of TV series explodes and the media style is diversified, a novel and unique play name has become a magic weapon to attract viewers and improve ratings. At the same time, as a special language phenomenon, TV play name is a member of linguistic research. This article takes the Chinese contemporary drama name 1958-2013 as the research object, divides it into three periods: "before the 1980s", "from the 1980s to the 2000s", "from the 2000s to the present", mainly by qualitative and quantitative analysis, synchronic and diachronic. Comparison and analysis of the method of pairwise combination, using the form of charts, visual presentation of the development of the three periods of the situation, and then on the basis of description and interpretation of the comparative analysis, This paper sums up the naming characteristics of the drama names in these three periods, thus showing the development of the contemporary TV plays in mainland China, in order to put forward some practical suggestions on the naming of the plays in the future. Through the research, it is found that the title of the play is not the shorter the better, the four-syllable plays a unique advantage, and has a multi-syllable tendency; make good use of the repetition form, increase the musical beauty of the title; the combination of phonetic steps inherits the traditional laws of poetry and prose, so that the name of the play has a distinct rhythm. A long mouth. In terms of vocabulary, apart from the basic vocabulary, there are nine types of words of drama name, such as industry words, historical words, etc. In different periods, there are different high-frequency words in play names, and there are special tagged words in new century plays names. In terms of semantics, nine types of semantic salience appeared in the three periods of play name, and the phenomenon of semantic supernormal collocation appeared in the second and third period. Grammatically, the title of phrase form dominates, in which the proportion of biased structure is the largest, the name of sentence form develops rapidly in the third period, and the title of the third period has appeared obvious structural similar phenomenon, the name of the play has the same serious similarity. With the development of the period, different figures of speech have different rhetorical functions.
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